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Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
The last thread has died down, so we're going to retry!

A story quickly becomes uninteresting if the rules of improv aren't lived by, so here's the first one:

Don't deny.
Other people are going to push the story into directions you might not agree with. Try to roll with the punches, though! Don't invalidate other people's posts by undoing them!

With that in mind, let's start!


Gust looked out the window at the barren landscape, mindlessly wiping the blood off his dirk.
He'd long lost the cloth his brother had given to him to do so, opting instead to use the scarf he usually wrapped around his face to keep out the dry wasteland winds.
You're magical to me.
The area around him seemed so barren and dry, and yet the worn, faded map said he'd find what he sought in this place.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
"But how could it be here?" he thought to himself, trying to envision how the object of his pursuit could possibly be in this scorched wasteland, his faith now being sorely tested.
With the determination of a thousand suns, Gust decides to let the wind guide him on his quest to find his lost aunt, Ella Ella.
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
The child strapped to his back squirmed and whimpered in pain, reminding him that he didn't have the time to despair, if he wanted his family line to have a chance of continuing.

I feel bored. How odd.
(Sorry. Messed up.)
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Gust closed his eyes, but the image of his dear Emma lying in a pool of blood was still burned into his retina, and her dying words rang in his ears to this very day: "Save Anita; they cursed her..."
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
He had to find the cure, and then a suitable caretaker, before he could atone for murdering his own wife.
But first, he had to find shade and a place to bunker down for the coming night - preferably somewhere that had water and some kind of vegetation.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
So Gust followed the directions on his map, hoping that somewhere in this arid waste, a spot of green was possible, an oasis whose blue and green he was simply overlooking as he scanned the horizon, but there was naught to be seen.
The phantom beckoned Scrooge about the length of his ponderous chain.
"In life, I forged every link of the invisible chain yard by yard."
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Gust could hear a sandstorm brewing, and, realizing neither him nor his daughter would survive if he couldn't find shelter soon, he mumbled: "And now this, on Christmas eve, to boot; uncle is probably tallying up the money he refrained from spending this year back home."
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
The skeleton of the vehicle had too many holes and too many venomice for shelter; he made sure his burden was properly protected, then hiked out into the swirling sands, hoping that the jagged cliffs ahead might offer some meager cranny to shield them until the storm passed.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
He found a small recess, barely enough to protect him and his burden, but still enough, and he hunkered down and cursed, "This wouldn't have even happened if it weren't for miserly Uncle Scrooge."
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
Gust could hear the sandstorm setting in around him, but his hiding place proved effective, so little sand hit him or Anita.
Halfway into the night the storm finally died away and an empty silence fell over the wasteland.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
In the distance, a flaming streak hits the ground, a plume of dust, sand, and smoke rushing into the air, seemingly on his path, but too far away to know for sure.
They told me I was mad when I said I was going to create a spidertable. Who’s laughing now!!!
Gust peered out from his shelter, squinting, trying to make out the distant object through the darkness and dust, as Anita stirred and began to whimper.
Nothing reveals Humanity so well as the games it plays. A game of betrayal, where the most suspicious person is brutally murdered? How savage.
The object appeared to be getting closer, but just as Gust was able to make it out, he felt a sting in his right heel, and a little black scorpion fled from under his foot.
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