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So some time ago the thought occured to me that it might be fun to do a kind of movie club thing here on rmn. Surely there are people interested in movies. The idea being having a movie a month or something that everyone watches and then there's some discussion around it. Preferably of the really pretentious kind. I mean I was sort of thinking that we could watch some black and white and subtitled movies that are on those lists of "oh that sounds cool I might check it out some day but probably not because there's a new Marvel movie that I definitely will see before I'll ever see this". The best would be if it's movies all (or at least most) of us haven't already seen.

On the RMN Slack there's a movie channel called #slacksucks. It's a good starting-off point for some discussion but we could probably also do it on the forums. This topic is just some random thoughts that here now in the end after some rambling will ask the most important questions.

1. Who is in and/or interested?
2. What movie should we watch in January?
(On movie choices since it's a whole month maybe it could be a good idea to have some kind of thematic double-feature, two movies with similar themes or director or something else. If nothing else we could also compare and contrast and whatnots)

For my choices one thing I've wanted to do that I have watched way to little of is Ingmar Bergman. But I guess everyone else has already seen all of his movies. (yes I have not seen the whole seventh seal I will leave any kind of movie interest card at the door)

January movies:
Phantom Carriage
The Adventures of Prince Achmed

February Movie:
"My father told me this would happen."
I've watched and enjoyed enough Ingmar Bergman films (Seventh Seal, Hour of the Wolf, Cries & Whispers) to say with confidence that it is okay to find them boring and dry; maybe even a little silly. They are not visual spectacles and are paced like stage plays. But they're such easy movies to get absorbed into and have a certain cerebral quality I don't have the right word for.

I'll toss my hat in the ring here. I'll sign up for the slack channel too.

Actually I have a thing to think about! Is Fantasia the first music video?
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Actually I have a thing to think about! Is Fantasia the first music video?

I guess it depends on how you define it.

There were many films that even predate Snow White that had music with silent animation, though I guess Fantasia was the first to actually focus on syncing with it most of the time.

One such film that comes to mind is The Adventures of Prince Achmed
Good initiative!

1. Who is in and/or interested?
2. What movie should we watch in January?
(On movie choices since it's a whole month maybe it could be a good idea to have some kind of thematic double-feature, two movies with similar themes or director or something else. If nothing else we could also compare and contrast and whatnots)

1. I'm interested!
2. It's hard to figure out which movies are the ones no one has seen.
I would suggest provoking movies which push the boundaries and explore somewhat new territories.

How about A Serbian Film. It's certainly not your typical film and would certainly generate a lot of discussion ?
From all I've heard about A Serbian Film it's a movie I definitely don't want to see.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
Umm...A Serbian Film is probably not an ideal first film for any kind of a movie club.

Actually, I rather like Ratty's suggestion: The Adventures of Prince Achmed.

To answer Isrieri's question, the first film to ever specifically feature music was also the first film with synchronized dialogue: The Jazz Singer (1927). It was actually rather controversial. Hollywood thought that a movie based on music, particularly jazz, wouldn't sell and so there was no point using the incredibly expensive process of voice synchronizing on such a movie. Voice synchronizing was being used in news reels and cinema adverts at the time, but it was so expensive, nobody had used it in a full length feature. The director of The Jazz Singer did it anyway, and when the lead actor, Al Jolson no less, began singing, audiences went wild. It became an instant hit.
I only like over the top action films (superhero films count) where the solution is to shoot/punch everything coupled with witty one-liners, or slapdash comedies.

Then again, every now and again I end up watching a movie like The Hundred-Foot Journey and really enjoying it. But I never seek these out.
The TM is for Totally Magical.
You're missing a world of great films. (Checks movie collection...something like 80 percent violent movies.)
You're missing a world of great films. (Checks movie collection...something like 80 percent violent movies.)

*watched Bloodsport for the 27th time instead*
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
Awesome idea.
Sign me up! Love me some movies

Before Jan gets too deep in, how about someone firmly claims first movie? We will need time to digest it.
After we have a movie, we can organize further. Like, when to discuss the movie. (Feb? Last week of Jan?)
I wouldn't mind watching that Adventures of Prince Achmed, I assume it's out of copyright and should be watchable somewhere. Though I have to admit that in a quick googling I can't seem to find a complete version. (a quick visit to a torrent site does yield results though I don't know how healthy the torrent is when I'm at work)

One 20s movie I've sort of wanted to watch is The Phantom Carriage which is available on the internet archive (
[url]https://archive.org/details/silent_films?&and[/url][]=phantom%20carriage damn page has [] in it

So 20s double feature for January? Or only one of them? Or something with sound?
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
Double Feature, ahoy!
Sounds good to me!
I think every participant should pick movie in turn to keep things fair decision-making wise and then have the other participants watch it. It keeps things on an even scale that way.

If we start objecting to watching other people's choices, I can easily see how the whole thing would fail to get started.
Well one thing I could accept as objection is that if a majority has already seen the movie. I would rather have this as a way of discovering new movies rather than revisiting old favourites.
I think without discussion and having someone just having inalienable right to dictate the next movie will kill the movie club - people will simply not participate.
Well, since the objective is to *discover* new movies, why wouldn't people participate if they have to watch new movies they haven't yet seen? Isn't that the purpose of the whole thing in the first place?

If we need to reach a concensus for each movie selected, I can tell you this initiative will never lift off the ground. Same thing with watching a movie which hasn't been seen by other people. If people participate in a movie club, it's likely because they're interested in movie, ipso facto, they've probably already seen a good amount of them.

And I don't see this as problematic. People who have already watched the movie would be able to participate in the conversation that followed the movie.

Anyways, some sort of decision making process will need to be set up and followed afterwards. If everyone participating gets their pick of a movie, it doesn't get any fairer or pragmatic than this.
the objective is stated to be "watch movies and discuss them afterwards". The ideal way to pick a movie for this objective would be to discuss options collectively and find one a significant number of people are interested in seeing, so that many people will opt to watch it and discuss afterwards.
Or we could just not take it so seriously and since I am Supreme and Eternal Leader I am now saying (in a suggestion obviously beucase the Supreme and Eternal Leader always only suggests) that for January we're watching The Phantom Carriage and Adventures of Prince Achmed. We have until. Say 20-something January. In the meantime we can throw out suggestions for February movies and then we'll see what sticks.

And the Supreme and Eternal Leader will make a decision at some point.

I found a torrent of Prince Achmed that worked nicely I could probably temporarily host it somewhere if people can't find their own.
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
How about doing a monthly thread with a poll? We can suggest movies beforehand in the current month, and they are added to the poll list when the following month rolls around. Then after a few days of polling, top one or two are picked, and we watch those?

Democracy! Down with Supreme Leader of Suggestions!
Monthly thread with a poll is a good idea.

*insert joke here so that it doesn't come across as too serious*
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