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Someone please help. For my upcoming game that I AM ACTUALLY MAKING called FireRed. I either need the TRAIN ACTOR script or the ABS script to make the game. Both would be nice, but i don't wanna put you guys thru so much trouble. I also need instructions on where to put them in the script editor please.

Thanks you wonderul people!

you can contact me at
Uh train actor script?

You mean the caterpiller script right?

Also there are thousand sof ABS's. What do you want in it?
oh yeah caterpillar script. the guy that made TalesofAria said it was the TRAIN ACTOR so yeah.
The ABS, i want it to be how you can automaticaly fight a dude instead of getting into a whole battle.

Dude you rock thanks i cant believe how nice you are man.

THANK YOU! Thank you so much man!
Automatically fight a dude? Yeah you lost me?

Oh wait do you mean MR Mo's on map ABS?

If so I have no damn clue where you can find it. The caterpiller script can just be googled and you'll recieve about 5 different versions.

Thanks for the thank you. ;D
alright then can i just have ABS where you can take turns like in PoKeMon Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team.
Like where you have turns in the game, not getting into actuall battles.
Thanks again. Every time i try to get the caterpilliar script i don't know where to put it. Where do I put it and what should its name be?
Like, the battle takes place on the map (Chrono Trigger) or you slash enemies (**** of Mana)?
I don't play stupid pokemon spin offs, do the battles take place on the map like in Chrono Trigger, or do you run around and slash enemies with the A button like Anything of Mana?
yeah, they take place on the map, but you still take turns and stuff, like the actuall battles it orignianlly has.
Give me somewhere else where it HAS the script there for you to copy and paste!
hehe I think it will be easier if i upload a Game Demo with all the Good script's Ill leave the edit option Open so you can copy n paste the scripts directly out of it


Train actor

Speech bubble (instead of text box)

Advanced Weather

Advanced Menu's


Sound Good?
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