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I'm thinking of making ero games with 2k3 and or MV and one of the features/mechanics I had in mind was having equipment clothes with durability points/hp that would get destroyed after a while and would have the sprite be in underwear or naked once the current armor was destroyed. What would be the simplest or most effective way to implement something like that? Thanks in advance.
Break it down into sub systems.

1. Character graphics that change based on equipment
2. Item durability
3. Put 1 & 2 together so that sprites change on item breakage and not just when using the equip menu

That's all "dual use" stuff, you could as easily make a low fantasy game out of it with different choice of graphics.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Equipment durability would have to be tracked by game-variables. I don't know what all actions would decrement the various counters, but, any skill/ability that does so would probably need to call a common event to see if the equipment is still in tact. If it's not in tact, remove the equipment, and decrease the number the party has by one.

If it's 2K3, I think weapons have their own sprite-rendering as part of the Weapon DB settings? Can't say about how MV does it, but, MV isn't necessarily side-view either. As for armor breaking changing the character sprite, well, I don't have 2K3 or MV in front of me, but, I'm 99.999% sure there's an event-command for that.
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