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I like to use smaller numbers for damage, so I made the base stats for my classes fairly low (5 - 50). Today when testing this out in combat, none of my actors or enemies can deal or take damage to each other.

I did change the damage formula (a.atk / 4 - d.def / 2), but it should be a valid formula. I'll attach screenshots of the classes, skill, weapons and armor for the full picture.

The actors have no traits attached to them. Images hidden just so they don't fill out a page, there's 15 in total.

EDIT: I figured out the issue, / doesn't play well with the formula. I swapped it to * 0.25 instead and that worked just fine.
Guardian of the Description Thread
Integer division will cause any fraction/remainder to be dropped, and only return, well, the integer part. While multiplying of 0.25 is certainly a way to get into floating-point division in this instance (maybe multiplying by 0.5 as well on the defense side), dividing by 4.0 (and 2.0?) should return a similar result.
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