
Pages: 1
Figure this is "artsy" enough to belong here.

A parody trailer a friend and I made for extra credit, edited by my brother, and featuring the following music: Requiem for a Dream (Twin Towers Remix), Wonderwall by Oasis, and Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. Not perfect, (the original audio disappeared for some reason when we put it in Vegas) but pretty damn funny if you ask me. Even more fun to make it. ;D
That was delightfully stupid and hilarious at the same time (or because of it)! ;)

Was that a really skinny Santa at the end? Walking over Macu? XD I mean, he was dressed in red and had a long white beard... XD
That was actually another one of my friends acting as Lady Macbeth (that "beard) was a poor imitation of long white hair >_>), because she walks and pretends to wash her hands in guilt.
Really?! OMGLOL. *falls off her chair* XD

And I was so sure it was Santa... :'(
Sorry to disappoint you. >.>
The eye of the tiger song made it worthwhile to watch.
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