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Hello ! (I'm french so scuse me for my approximative english ^^')

My question is about the englishes versions of Windows (XP and Vista). Is there any problem with french accentuation ?

---> éèàêëôöçüû etc.

Can you read this letters I have wrinten above ? (my question is for a default install of Windows)

Is there any problem if there are some of this accents in folders ? In files ? (I know my french Windows is "shouting" when I download files or folders with japaneses characters inside, so... ^^')

Thanks for your coming answers !
I'm able to see all of those accents (I'm not sure what I'm using but I know its either Vista or XP)

and its the default english version
Ok, thanks !

More confirmations will be better so don't hesit to post to say you can see the french special letters or not. :) (with a default instal of Windows, cause I know everything can be seen with custom instal ^^)

Oh and if someone can test for me if Windows (Vista and/or XP) accept with no problem a special french letter in files and in folders I will be happy. ^^ (I know, I'm asking for a lot of things, sorry ^^')

My aim ("goal" ? ^^) is to know if there is any problem for an english player to play a french game. ;)
author=Nemau link=topic=2961.msg57555#msg57555 date=1232637914
My aim ("goal" ? ^^) is to know if there is any problem for an english player to play a french game. ;)
The main problem will be that the english player won't know french. :D
Yes that right. xD

But for my game (it's just a project yet ^^) I will translate it into english (there will be the option "choose your langage" ^^ - ...don't panic, someone will help me for the translation xD). The problem is that it is named "Seigneur Suprême", and I want to keep it in french.:3 (for the curious : "Seigneur Suprême" = "Over Lord")
I had no problems creating files with the odd letters. I have a Swedish XP installation. However I would suggest you only use "regular web friendly" letters for file names. It's usually best that way. (so instead of having seigneur_suprême.exe just have seigneur_supreme.exe)
Yes ok I understand. But it's, for exemple, for the folder name I have problem (the folder when the archive file is unarchived) : I can't named my folder "Seigneur Supreme", it's a real french mistake. xD

Hum ok, I will wait if anybody other try what I have said, but no problem I will ever find a solution. ^^ (like... find a english title ? xD)

Thanks for your answers. ^^
Developer, Starless Umbra / Heroes of Umbra
When I am running an english version of Windows, accented marks usually aren't an issue. However, I have had games crash because there was an accent mark in the filename.

I would think the grammar of file and folder names aren't as important as the grammar in the actual game. I guess what I mean is I would not use accent marks in filenames, just because it could be a potential issue and I would rather have people play my game with silly resource names rather than not play it because of an error you know?

As far as seigneur_suprême.exe goes, you can always do seig_sup.exe maybe? ;D
xD Why not ! ^^

Ok thanks for your answer I will think about what is the best for my project. :3
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