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i am not interested. OH NO I POSTED ON FALSE PRETENSES
RMN sex symbol
Haha.. Anyways Ive never played this game, any good?
i am not interested. OH NO I POSTED ON FALSE PRETENSES

...Wait what?

Haha.. Anyways Ive never played this game, any good?

The game is amazing. If you intend to play it yourself, I would recommend not watching this topic too much, as it will cover the entire story.
RMN's Official Reviewmonger
Go for it! Super Mario RPG is a classic.
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
I wish Geno was still around in Mario games. :(
hella!! I'm down to follow this. You going to collect all the frog coins or anything like that, or just a standard playthrough?
Uh, I was thinking just a standard playthrough. I don't really want to ruin my play experience following a walkthrough.

Anyways, yeah, Geno rocks my socks.
I downloaded it on VC a while back, but didn't get too too far.

I beat it a few times when I was younger on SNES.
wait, which one's this? what platform is it for?
the mario RPG's are sick.
There were many games with Mario that were RPGs, but only one game that was called Super Mario RPG. Came out in 1996, made by Square and Nintendo, for the SNES.
Oh, okay I won't've played it then, never had a SNES. I was more of a N64 person.
I enjoyed Superstar Sega and the one for the DS. Paper Mario was pretty jazzy as well.
Oh, okay I won't've played it then, never had a SNES. I was more of a N64 person.
I enjoyed Superstar Sega and the one for the DS. Paper Mario was pretty jazzy as well.

SMRPG by far tops all of those imo.
Ok then, started today. Won't start far into the topic until I'm a little ways further into the game.

Also, I found out I'm a screenshot whore. Just a little ways in, and I have 180 screenshots to sort through.

Anyways, this "Let's Play" is underway!
You scared me Chaos. I thought there was going to be a link. >:(
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
There is a link.

Paper Mario was pretty jazzy as well.

The Thousand Year Door is one of the greatest games I've ever played.
I was about to start into an epic adventure, and do the first addition to this topic (64 images), until I realized that in order to do it through image shack, I will literally have to click on EVERY image, and get the url code that way. Sorry guys, but that was a HUGE loss of motivation, so I will be doing it a bit later.
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