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I have submitted lots of images and only the png ones get accepted so far is this because rpg 2k3 only uses png so the admins dont allow zpegs on for rpg 2k3 games.
What is this "zpeg" you speak of? It sounds cool.
What's a zpeg? It sounds like the ultimate of all bitmap formats.

I don't know what you're saying exactly, but some moderator or someone said images have to have the following:

- 3 images in the same resolution as the game (320x240 pixel resolution for RPG Maker 2003)
- Don't just take pictures of menus and title screens (unless you've got a sweet custom menu)
- I think they want it in 8-bit format color indexed. PNG is compressed either way typically.
- It has to look interesting "enough".

That's all I can summarize. The actual moderator was much more detailed and said some weird executive decision number and all. Is it stickied somewhere?


wait a second, why am I telling you this? You can read it all in a response made to you already

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