
Show us a screenshot Kaempfer :(.
Edit: Screenshots for all!

Sorry that some of these are bland or just otherwise repeats of previous areas I've shown. I don't have any other ones of current progress :(. I am also aware of any tile/charset errors in the top screenshot (and how those 'pipes' don't fade into darkness in the second one).
why would i heal when i could equip a morningstar
Are you and tardis making the same "pipes in dirt" game?
is it too late for ironhide facepalm
i don't use rudra characters, so no, craze.
Having a signature is too mainstream. I'm not part of your system!
Looks really nice but some of those tiles are way to bright for that atmosphere.
Rudra+CT+FF6? Dude I am excited! I mean Rudra bleh but still I like the mixture here.

edit: When done right, of course. Only time will tell if you ruin all three source materials or not. I am guessing not, but I am holding my breath.
is it too late for ironhide facepalm
Looks really nice but some of those tiles are way to bright for that atmosphere.

i actually like that the stuff like the grates/etc are really bright. it's a pretty cool separation of nature vs manmade- natural vs un-natural. i dig it the way it is.
Having a signature is too mainstream. I'm not part of your system!
Thats pretty cool if it isn't rtp otherwise I hate it.
Are you and tardis making the same "pipes in dirt" game?

I wish we were ;(.
I like it blue period if fact I like everything about Linus. Keep up the good work.

Are you and Craze making the same VX RTP game?

Well, it does look nice - but the scaling seems to be way off for the size of the character sets... Unless they are supposed to be living in a castle for giants or something.
The top of the tower comes out two tiles and the bottom only comes out one, which presents a pretty obvious height error.

Otherwise, it looks pretty good. It does look like the kids got loose in the castle again, though.
Having a signature is too mainstream. I'm not part of your system!
Lights are strangely on in the middle of the day.
The sun's intensity in this solar system is very low, I presume.


(from astara: already finished game by me - language: german)
RMN sex symbol
Those guards are really vigilant to be standing in said spot day & night haha, Anyways I have to say man that looks gorgeous. Translation?
Tau is right, Xar, translate that game coz playing was pretty interesting. But cut out the first dialogue while they drove in the train. This one was... err... I'm sure, someone has already told you how it was. xD

@Feldschlacht IV:
Does look nice, however, I miss something there. The street looks too consistent to me, maybe you might use some road holes on it, or how about using brighter tiles on some places (I know, I'm an eye candy fan)?

@Feldschlacht IV: Thank goodness you changed that ugly system. Good work on finding a new one its fits your game quite well, hopefully well see a new release soon enough. Also I hate how NPCs in most RPGmaker games just kind of move around aimlessly. Take a page out of Rei's book and make it seem as if your NPCs have a life other than waiting for you hero to talk to them. Adding a little more individual animation and Routes for NPCs could correct this.

@Xargoth: Looks amazing. I love the atmosphere and the design of the area
Wow, two great screens in a row.

@MOG: I like it. Of course, it's mostly just FF6 graphics, but I like FF6, therefore... Why is he "the President Cawley", though? Methinks thou dost changeth it midway and forgeteth to fix that, nay? Also, snow barrels? Where's the snow that goes with them?

p.s. girders

@Xargoth: My first impression was the same as Tau's: What vigilante guards! It looks really good, though. It really gives the compressed feel of a bustling city, I like it a lot.