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"Today, we are about to break the trend that has continued on for many years. To the thousands of you out there asking for a game where Sonic is the only playable character â€" rejoice. As of today, your wish has been granted. In Project Needlemouse, there will be no new characters â€" playable or otherwise. The focus will remain solely on one blue hedgehog" Sega!

FUCKEN FINALLY, Ive been waiting so long for Sega to get their act together. My childhood memories of those first 3 are still stuck in my head fondly. I hope to God they don't fuck this one up.. Episodic releases I'm not that fond of though.
I like it that Sega is reusing the classic formula, but it looks really awkward.
RMN sex symbol
The running animation and model just don't look right I reckon. Need to make Sonic look like he's sprinting instead of just.. Walking fast.
Yes, I noticed that too. Actually, it would be kinda nice if that had the quality of animation that warioland shake it had, that'd be pretty nice.

EDIT: also - about damn time
I am shocked to see that someone hasn't yet posted the Sonic Cycle of Disappointment.
I am shocked to see that someone hasn't yet posted the Sonic Cycle of Disappointment.

So far, I don't think anyone should be...until more information is released, anyway.

The only thing I have to say, in regards to this newly revealed trailer, is be happy that the 2D formula is returning. I've already seen people bitch that the art style isn't like that of the first few games and that Sonic doesn't look like he's sprinting, and that his feet don't make the "wheel" animation when he runs; that's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.

Sonic is about gameplay, not graphics (which is why he's sucked for the past however many so years).

...these visuals are fucking stunning I don't know what you're talking about.
I bet he'll still turn into a Shark Robot.
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
I miss when Sonic's legs became an oval. It looked faster. Now he's built like some sort of doll or brick or something. All stiff and whatnot.
Damn though am I getting it! Sonic Dash was awesome. Hopefully this will be moreso. The old sonic games were why I (ignorantly) didn't mind not having SNES. Used to play this shit out of them as a kid.
The only thing I have to say, in regards to this newly revealed trailer, is be happy that the 2D formula is returning. I've already seen people bitch that the art style isn't like that of the first few games and that Sonic doesn't look like he's sprinting, and that his feet don't make the "wheel" animation when he runs; that's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.

hah, I never played sonic, but he looked so awkward running like that in the trailer i just burst out laughing
RMN sex symbol

I still remember seeing this "leaked" footage of Sonic Unleashed and thinking Sega finally got something right.. Then that werehog crap came out and the cycle continued. I hope they get onto doing a full on HD Sonic like this one day though.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
... Sonic is the only playable character? But I liked the two-player co-op of Sonic 2 and 3. It's going to be hard not to see Tail's retardedness in this game.

But whatever, I haven't had much of a problem with Sonic's recent games as everyone else had. I'll definitely get this, despite how that "running" animation is pissing me off...
always a dudesoft, never a soft dude.
There's no way they could drop Tails for StH4! They at least better have bubble power ups again.
Oh no... thought it was going to be side-view. :(
So far, I don't think anyone should be...until more information is released, anyway.

Anytime someone thinks Sega has their act together and there is some sign of hope... that is the first stage

Sonic doesn't look like he's sprinting, and that his feet don't make the "wheel" animation when he runs; that's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.

Sonic is about gameplay, not graphics (which is why he's sucked for the past however many so years).

The fact that Sega can't even get the most basic thing down (the running animation) doesn't mean the graphics overall suck. It's a sign of weakness. How does not one Sega employee notice a problem in the most important graphic and player extension in the game? Imagine if Megaman 10, megaman doesn't even have a walking animation, he just moves while standing. Would you be bothered?
Be happy that the old formula is returning, especially if the game plays like the old ones. And, I wouldn't say it's a sign of weakness, but more so a sign that the graphics of the old games are pretty much dead and probably are never coming back. And they have the right to do's their creation, after all. Now, I will admit, Sonic's running animation (or at least THE 3 SECONDS WE SAY OF IT) looked pretty lame, but as long as the game still plays well, I'm sure I won't be greatly disappointed.

If the game plays like the old ones, that's awesome. The outstanding visuals...

...are a step up from the old graphics. But, if Sonic runs awkwardly, that's a step down.

So I'd say, from the information we've received, this game is probably on equal ground as the old, good ones (maybe slightly lower than equal, but still close).

Rejoice. The Sonic franchise has been in the toilet for a long time; Sonic 4 is probably the closest it will ever be to emerging from it.

Also...I prefer...

and I don't think I need to explain why...
hint: this design is over 10 years old idk what anyone is complaining about

I feel that this screenshot needs to be posted on the first page AT LEAST 4 more times.
hint: this design is over 10 years old idk what anyone is complaining about

I know.

The old Sonic design is essentially dead and everyone should shut up about it.
And, I wouldn't say it's a sign of weakness, but more so a sign that the graphics of the old games are pretty much dead and probably are never coming back.

What are you talking about? The sped up walking looks bad, I am not longing for nostalgia here, I am wondering why they couldn't make the animation look less retarded and slow. It is a simple observation you are misinterpreting.
What are you talking about? The sped up walking looks bad, I am not longing for nostalgia here, I am wondering why they couldn't make the animation look less retarded and slow. It is a simple observation you are misinterpreting.

Perhaps I did misinterpret it and I apologize.
However, I'm tolerant of Sonic's awkward animation; it hasn't disheartened me to the point in which I no longer want to play the game.
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