
Creating RTP style facesets through Celianna's generator atm...they're easier to mess with than I used to think~ (Probably just because my Photoshop knowledge improved since the last time I used it. :3)

Already got one done today, and hope to finish one or two more each day! :D

Made the basics of a dream event. When you rest at bed/inn, you get dream cutscenes. I had to tinker with it a bit to get each event to run once, and each event to not interfere with another event (you get one dream per rest).
can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games

Getting closer...
I'm so damn proud of myself, programmed a materia system all by myself without any tutorial in rpgmaker 2k3. When I started this, I never thought I'd get this to work ever, especially because you only find discouraging posts when you google materia system for 2k3. Anyways, here's a screenshot:

The basic concept: The party levels up 10 times in total (usually after boss fights). Every time you get a levelup, it raises HP, and either gets you access to a new Cell-Level (enabling better spells of the same kind), or a new cell (those hexagon forms). They are filled with Apps, which serve very similair to FF7 Materias. There are stat-apps (raising stats and HP), tech-apps (adding new magic skills) and support-apps (adding supportive abilities, such as protection from certain conditions, auto-positive conditions like regen or haste, double attack, double cast, etc. etc. - a lot like yellow/blue materia).

I'll post a video as soon as I'm done with registering all items (currently at ~50 of 200 apps, and I'll go to bed before I end up with a tendonitis. With this part of my custom menu, it's pretty much finished. After that, I'll start working on my custom battle system :D.
Getting closer...

I like this, I like this a lot~

And I'm working on... pretty much nothing. My gam mak mojo kind of disappeared a few months ago and hasn't returned. :(
I'm so damn proud of myself, programmed a materia system all by myself without any tutorial in rpgmaker 2k3. When I started this, I never thought I'd get this to work ever, especially because you only find discouraging posts when you google materia system for 2k3. Anyways, here's a screenshot:

The basic concept: The party levels up 10 times in total (usually after boss fights). Every time you get a levelup, it raises HP, and either gets you access to a new Cell-Level (enabling better spells of the same kind), or a new cell (those hexagon forms). They are filled with Apps, which serve very similair to FF7 Materias. There are stat-apps (raising stats and HP), tech-apps (adding new magic skills) and support-apps (adding supportive abilities, such as protection from certain conditions, auto-positive conditions like regen or haste, double attack, double cast, etc. etc. - a lot like yellow/blue materia).

I'll post a video as soon as I'm done with registering all items (currently at ~50 of 200 apps, and I'll go to bed before I end up with a tendonitis. With this part of my custom menu, it's pretty much finished. After that, I'll start working on my custom battle system :D.

This. Is. AWESOME. :D

Currently, I'm on hold. But once I manage to fix this Line of Sight script to make it flip a switch on activation, I can really get started on my dystopian modern day RPG. :D
Getting closer...

DFalcon #2. Keep it coming.
The 524 is for 524 Stone Crabs
Just made a whole world (four levels) of an SMBX fangame. It's not Super Terribad Bros., it's a new game that's based around the original SMB1 level design and graphics.

Here's a sneak peak:

Writing out the plotlines to my game, Tales from the Reaper. Because it has short little slice-of-life (well, afterlife) stories, I'm having to come up with the basic plotlines.

Gradually, these smaller stories tie-in to one overarching story, which is then resolved, followed by two stories as an epilogue. These last two, I've decided are tie-ins to Oracle of Tao from another angle. One tells the story of the main character, and the other about two secondary characters.

Finally STARTED my next game.

Modsbannit, the modern/future tilesets are hard to make look nice. ;_;

But what I have so far is kinda nifty, and kinda disturbing. Just the way it needs to be. :D
Making a game from scratch, Got the basic story sorted out, And spent this week spriting, next will will be the week I designated for composing music, I expect this to be done in a few hundred years -_-
WhiteRabbit: the materia system and the graphics both look very impressive.

I'm working on my game, Tales of the Rhinemaidens for about the past two months. Progress has been a little slow due to work and school constraints.

I've been jumping around everything, from putting together the attributes add menu (at level ups), designing the skill system, making graphics and doing some maps and the intro/first dungeon of the game. My goal is to try and make some really good progress over the extended weekend.
Thanks a lot Aegis Drakan and Dreaded!

Okay, so by now the list of items is complete, and here is a video showing how I'm using the system:
(click the screenshot)

What's missing now are the effects of each app (materia), but beside maybe stat apps (those adding HP, atk, def etc), I have to wait with implementing this until I'm done with my battle system.

Edit: Looking at this now, I might be going to change the sound effect that happens when you equip an app. It's the boring same sound as when opening any menu. I'll see if I can find something catchier, that makes you feel happy when gearing up with Apps :D
I'm making a DLC side-quest for my "Shattered Hourglass" game, it's going to contain futuristic stages that you can teleport to the future for gathering advanced artifacts. I'll probably make 3 - 4 hour content from it. New puzzles, new skills, new party members, new items, new enemies, shortly everything will be fresh.
I just wasted two hours making a plugin that should work according to the code. But my compiler must be screwy, because it accepts the code and yet won't run any different on the actual test. Wtf?
I expect this to be done in a few hundred years -_

This is how I'm feeling about my game right now. I'm wondering if it's better if I make it into a novel or a comic.
Make a novella. Then you can have something easy to make, and focus on the characters. After a hundred pages or so, a book becomes a chore to write.
Decided to remove the hunger/thirst/fatigue/weight systems again from my project. This was such a pain to add and now its even more pain to remove!

But, its better this way: Too clumsy to handle and it practically adds nothing to the game at all.

PS: But I'll keep the scripts for a possible post-apocalyptic/sci-fi/survival game idea in the far future.
And here is the first screenshot of my progress on a custom battle system in rpgmaker2k3.

It is a bit like the Grandia System with the huge timeline. While the hero icons are upside of the time-line, the monster icons are going to be shown below. I'm not sure yet weather they're represented as skulls (only bosses going to have their own icon) or if I'm going to make an individual icon for each monster. Though, if I'm already drawing every singly monster + it's animations, I guess making a little icon for each of them on top wont hurt.

The general idea:
CL1-7 means "Cell Level". During every section of the line, every character can act once. Attacks can be used once per line and wont move the icon back. Skills will move you back for a certain amount depending on the skill itself. Also, weather a certain skill can be cast or not depends on the current position (aka what cell level your character is).
I will also implement a Limit-System, which makes it possible to use Limits the same way (better limits available with higher cell level). Whenever your turn is used up for the current section, the icon will turn grey.

So far the timeline works great. The most time I spent on figuring out how to make Agility affect the speed of the icon moving to the right. I found a solve on how to make every single point in agi affect the speed, but also balance it. Especially because the player raises stats of the characters individually, able to get agility from ~50(at start) to 999. This huge difference shouldn't cause problems with the speed of how icons move to the right.

Just in case anyone else is going for such a system, here is how mine works (for one icon)

setting a variable for Y coordinate first. Then X is a random number between (in my case) 15 and 35, this just to make it random where the icons start and not having them hide behind each other. Now set a variable for the hero and call it "Agility Boost". I set Agility Boost to 500. Now set a Label. Make now another Variable for each hero ("Agility Pot") and add the 500+ the hero's Agility. Now add a branch: If Agility Pot is higher than 1500, add X coordinate+1. Then also subtract 1500 from Agi Pot.
Then add a waiting time (or empty battle animation if you want a more exact FPS timer). Then Jump to Label. You can also add Slow, Haste and K.O. to affect the moving speed or even halt it. For Slow, I set another variable (slow pot) equal to Agi Pot, divide it by 2 and then put it into a branch - if hero in slow subtract slow pot from agi pot. Haste, I simply set an additional +1 to the x coordinate (making the icon move 2 instead of 1 pixel). For K.O. just set the whole labeled process under a branch with an else option. Set the branch into if hero K.O. - change x coordinate to 15. In Else, just put everything you had labeled. If you want to stop the icon movement (for example to give the player time to think chosing a skill), you could also add a switch operation before the whole label and turn it on every time you want the process to halt. set a branch, if switch is on, and then only insert "jump to label".

For the mob intelligence: I didn't implement it yet, but it's theoretically easy. Make a random number between 15 and ~300 (the lenght of your line), set this as the destination in his x coordinate, then make him start moving there. More clever system would be of course to make it check before this, whatever curcial happens during the fight. Like when a hero casts a certain skill, the monster will try countering it with a reaction based on his own skills. Since this system is custom and self-made, it is FAR easier to make monsters act intelligent.

Edit: Since I'm at it right now: It can be a bit more complicated based on how the engine works. Making the monster decide for when to attack, you need to set a parallel process event first (I have absolutely no idea why it's not recognized when called, like all the other events). Set Label1 first. Then insert a Variable (Mob Dice) between 31 and whereever you want your monster's limit on the time line to be, set it to the end of the line if you want it to be able to wait until the end. Now set another Label (Label2). Add a Branch - if Monster X (the X axis) is equal to Mob Dice (=when the icon that moves to the right hits the random spot decided by mob dice), then fill the branch with the action it takes (you can include another variable with random nrs. between 1 and (amount of attacks the mob has) to make it chose randomly, you could even add on top, that it's based on where your monster icon is to make certain skills available for it depending on the time line. Just add branches in - if monster X axis is higher than - then include the skills that become available. But you set a new variable with 1 more random number for each branch, or make another label that re-dices if the monster decides for a skill that can't be cast yet. Finally, for this big branch (if X axis = Mob Dice), make an Else-Handler. Put Jump to Label 2 inside. This is because if Label 2 doesn't exist, the whole process will repeat like mad, making your monster attack almost at every single pixel it moves.
Been working on another DynRPG Plugin in the little sparetime I have