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Hi everybody, I just happened to stumble upon this site and I thought it was pretty cool so I decided to sign up. I've had RMXP for over a year now but I haven't made a full game. I've dabbled in a bit of everything as far the game-making process but my main area of expertise is as a writer, especially with dialogues. I've also studied French for five years so I can do translations if anyone is in need of that.

So yeah, nice to meet you all and I'm eager for experience with pretty much anything so if anyone is ever in need of assistance with their game I'd be happy to help any way I can.
who am i and how did i get in here
Welcome to RMN! Have fun and contribute lots.
What I need is a refresher course in french. I am so rusty. or should I say rusté.

Welcome to RMN! Contribute lots!
Welcome to RMN, I'm quite new myself but it's nice to see another new face.
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