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Hey guys,

So I've had this problem in my game that has been plaguing me for some time. Occasionally, when playing my game, the sound will just completely shut off and not come back until you've restarted. It always happens at the beginning of a fight, and I suspect its the sound file I'm playing right before a battle. I'm not sure if it is corrupt or if there's something else wrong with it. It happens randomly, usually if you've been playing the game for a long period of time. I don't really want to get rid of the sound because I rather like it; and honestly, I'm not sure if that's even the problem.

Any suggestions?
Have you tried editing the sound in a program like Audacity?
I'd really like to get rid of LockeZ. His play style is way too unpredictable. He's always like this too. If he ran a country, he'd just kill and imprison people at random until crime stopped.
If you're using midi music, it might also be the background music in the area that's the problem. It's rare but some midi files aren't created quite correctly and if they get to the end of the song, RM2K3 fails to loop them properly. Usually the result is that the music stops at the end of the song, and sometimes your game crashes. But I think that other bugs also sometimes arise from the same type of problem, depending on the exact problem with the song's encoding.

If this is indeed the case, the solution is to replace the background music in that area. You can either convert the midi to an mp3 or simply replace it with a different midi file.

The problem can be quite difficult to detect unless you're specifically looking for it, since normal media players have no problem with the midi file, and even the RPG Maker 2003 editor can play it correctly - only in the game itself is there any problem.

I say it's rare, but I've encountered this problem twice personally, with two different songs, so it might just be rare that people find it. It's very rare for most background music to play all the way through unless the player leaves the computer while it's playing. Of the hundreds of people who played my game, only two reported the problem, and I never encountered it during the dozens of times I playtested it myself.
@Skie - Well, I can open the file, but I'm not really sure what you mean by editing. What exactly would I be editing?

EDIT: @Locke - I don't use midis in my game, so I don't think that's the problem.
What version of RM2k3 do you have?

Or, to be more exact: What version of RPG_RT.exe does your project use? (Rightclick on RPG_RT.exe, click Properties, Version)
It says I'm using version

Try the following:
1) Back up you project
2) Download Force Harmony from my homepage
3) Install it - this way you will lose MP3 support
4) To get MP3 support back (together with some other features, like MP3 loop points, effects for sounds, etc.), download Disharmony and install it

After that, the RPG Maker's sound system has been replaced with Disharmony. In most cases, this solves any sound problems.
I'm already using Disharmony as my MP3 playing software.
This is an extremely vague problem. It could be a problem with rm2k3, but are you sure it's not your computer? If other people have your game, have they experienced this? If you have a spare computer or laptop, try your game on there. If not, I would suggest sending your game to a few testers to see if they also experience this.
I'd like to point out that I have run into this issue with the last demo of FE, so it's not just him at least.
This is an extremely vague problem. It could be a problem with rm2k3, but are you sure it's not your computer? If other people have your game, have they experienced this? If you have a spare computer or laptop, try your game on there. If not, I would suggest sending your game to a few testers to see if they also experience this.

Yeah, my testers have experienced it. More than myself, probably because they are playing the game straight through rather than stopping every few seconds to fix stuff (the longer you play, the more it happens). It's only happened once for me, but according to my testers, it's been happening to them frequently.
I'm already using Disharmony as my MP3 playing software.

Well, than it might be the reverse problem: Maybe it's a bug in Disharmony.

Try using Audieremony instead.
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