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DISCLAIMER: Original work, ―Naraku― (-奈落-), by Nama. English translation is provided by Memories of Fear.

  • Genre: Horror Action Adventure.
  • Playtime: Approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Endings: Two endings. One Bad Ending and one Good Ending.
  • Content Warning: Blood and Gore, and Intense Violence.
  • Spoiler-Related Content Warning:


Purgatory comes from the Late Latin verb meaning "to cleanse." It is a hellish realm where people's souls temporarily reside, to admit their sins and receive punishment. In Roman Catholic doctrine, souls atoned for past sins in purgatory before they were allowed to enter Heaven.

This game is made by Nama using Wolf RPG Editor and it was released on December 13th, 2016. The American fan translation group, Memories of Fear, translated this game and released it on October 31st, 2017.


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Probably missing something obvious, but I can't find the nine-letter password. All the clues I've seen add up to a much longer password. I have tried the game title.

Apart from getting stuck like this, I am enjoying the game. Proper visceral horror.
Thank you for the compliment! =D

To find the nine-lettered password, you have to mess around with the crank in the large room filled with grates. There is a clue as to how to solve this puzzle on a sign next to a hanging corpse.

But if you cannot find it, here are the directions you need to turn the crank:
Right, Right, Left.

Good luck! I hope you get the true ending!
Can you tell me what's with this rectangles?
Hmm, that's odd, I don't remember seeing that at all, and I can't seem to be able to reproduce it on my end.

Is the text messed up like that through the entire game, or is it only with that one line? If it is just a specific line, can you tell me what you did just before that screenshot to get that line to display?

If it's like that with all the game's text, then I'd suggest trying to install the "Bienetresocial.ttf" font included in the game files. Usually the game should automatically take and use that font from the game folder and have a backup font failing that, but it's probably worth a try just in case the issue is something simple as that.
It comes after you did go this way down a second time and fall out of the hole
in the beginning scene.

And a big problem is that she is running so fast that you have trouble to go
through doors and other small ways.
Thanks, I was able to trigger it now. I appreciate you pointing it out to us, and sorry that you encountered the issue in the first place.

I went ahead and let our editor know, and she was able to quickly fix the issue. In case you're curious, those two lines were just a tiny bit of Japanese we overlooked during translation, and mostly says the same thing as the first time you fall down that hole ("..." followed by "...").

As for the walking speed, this is actually Wolf RPG Editor's default speed. While this may make it a bit tougher to enter narrow corridors, we'd prefer to leave this alone, since we're only a fan-translation group, and want to respect the author's original vision of the game. I hope you can understand.
To find the nine-lettered password, you have to mess around with the crank in the large room filled with grates. There is a clue as to how to solve this puzzle on a sign next to a hanging corpse.

But if you cannot find it, here are the directions you need to turn the crank:
Right, Right, Left.

Good luck! I hope you get the true ending!
Got that now. I had done the crank but missed another action to get the actual password.

But I'm now stuck on the second door. By my reckoning
The code should be a letter count for "The Bloody Slaughterhouse" which is the password scattered across the game. That would give me 3 6 14. But I've tried that code and it isn't working.
What am I doing wrong?
]Got that now. I had done the crank but missed another action to get the actual password.

But I'm now stuck on the second door. By my reckoning
The code should be a letter count for "The Bloody Slaughterhouse" which is the password scattered across the game. That would give me 3 6 14. But I've tried that code and it isn't working.
What am I doing wrong?

Far as that second door password goes, you're on the right track, though there's still something you're overlooking.

If you want a hint:
Is there any other way you can break that phrase up into 4 separate digits?

If you want an additional hint:
Re-reference the 4 notes that make up "The Bloody Slaughterhouse", and pay attention to how each of them is written out.

If you just want the answer:
The password is "5648".

Edit: This puzzle was changed a bit in the latest version.

Now, the phrase the 4 notes make up is:
The Nightmare Slaughter

As for the answer to the puzzle, that is now:
Cunning. Thanks.

The game will be in the next edition of Following Freeware, which will be published here some time this week. adventuregamers.com
Glad I could help!

I'm glad you liked this game enough to include it in your article as well. I'll be sure to check it out!
It was more than good enough to go in on its own merits, even if I hadn't been able to get the "good" ending. I just wanted to do that for myself.

Apparently being possessed by a demon axe is one way of defining good. :-)

Also, I'm not big on spiders, so that dropping on my head really gave me a turn.

Tons of gore. Fine. Grasping tentacles. No problem. Giant murderer trying to kill me. Par for the course. Spider dropping on my head. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! :-)
After I get out of the elevator, there's a cocoon. I'm assuming I had to break it, but all I had on me was the rope and a cleaver, which didn't break it. so, I continued on, went outside, and then get on the bad end. what am I supposed to do here? how do I get the good end? thanks.
what am I supposed to do here? how do I get the good end? thanks.
You will need to get a specific item to get to the true ending of the game. To do that, first go to the large area with all of the grates.

Wonder what to do with the rope first?
There should be a sliding grate that you can use on the far east side of that large area. Slide it open and then you are able to use your rope there.

Now what do I do after that?
Then you should see two consoles that you have to put a password inside.

Please read here for a clue on how to get the password here.
Then read here for a clue on how to get the passcode here.

After that, you are now on your way to get the true ending! Good luck!!
And I thought I'd never see the trauma of fish food frenzy ever again
T h e b l o o d y s l a u g h t e r h o u s e
I know this game is fairly new but, any news on Purgatory 2??????? This game was AMAZING!
I know this game is fairly new but, any news on Purgatory 2??????? This game was AMAZING!

There are no news on Purgatory 2 yet, but Nama (the author) is posting screenshots on his Pixiv, or if you only want to see Purgatory 2.

It's starting to look really nice. I really cannot wait to work on it.
I'm having trouble with a puzzle. I'm at the last part with the spider and then there's a button puzzle but I can't seem to solve it. Any help.
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