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The Lost V1.5.4 Released

Some nice changes are done in this new version 1.5.4!

- Added pop up text of the places you can enter on the world map.
- Lots of grammar issues have been resolved.
- New optional character can be found in Dokta on a new side quest.
- Re-vamped the initial story part when you start as Ragno
- Stream lined some battle mechanics.
- Closed off the Desert Region in the demo.

Thank you Guld for your feedback! It is highly appreciated and I added you into the credit section.


Pages: 1
Glad you're still working on this. It's a good game with a lot of potential.
Thanks for your nice words! I am working on the game on a regular base and it has had a few nice version updates for the demo series in the last few weeks. That said, I am also working on the the game's main story but I will keep that to myself and beta testers (when the time comes) till the full release hits.
i gonna try it,but what means with "Closed off"?
You won't be able to enter the Desert Region anymore. So some of the side quest characters can't be found anymore in the demo.
Pages: 1