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Take cover as meteorites rain down from the heavens
  • Dyluck
  • Added: 11/12/2022 05:19 PM
  • Last updated: 12/28/2024 04:30 PM


Pages: 1
Sabrina and Cosmaterra would you like a regular coffee lol sells coffee in irl
coffee would double AGI if used as a battle item
For thousands of years, I laid dormant. Who has disturbed my slumber?
I have coffee in my games and they usually cure the Sleep status
Like a Latte Grande or just black Coffee? lol
For thousands of years, I laid dormant. Who has disturbed my slumber?
Well actually the item is a coffee bean, so I guess they just shove them in the mouths of sleeping fighters.
Nice lol what a way to wake up and fight scary gods!
Pages: 1