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Progress Update

  • Neok
  • 01/25/2010 06:25 AM
Been a while since I last said anything, so here's an update:

- Cutscenes drawn and areas built up to end of phase 6. Only 2 phases left.
- 30 areas mapped. 10 areas left to do.
- Game is fully playable up to middle of phase 4. It's pretty much just battles that need to be implemented so it won't take nearly as long as what I'm doing now. I'll be saving doing all of that for the very end.
- There is also a metric ton of post-game content that'll also need to be implemented. I'm hoping that doesn't take too long either, but who knows.

Just wanted to add: I don't know about you guys, but when I was planning out AAG, I was looking at some of the stuff I had planned out for late in the game, and was thinking to myself "Man, it'll be so awesome once I get to this part, that is, if I ever get to this part." Well I'd like to confirm that yes, it is indeed awesome once you get to those parts. :D

As to whether I'll make the March deadline, I'd say it's unlikely. I'm not spending as much time on this as I usually would in the past (got some other priority items on my list this term). Work is still happening steadily though, as I'd really like to get this by the time April ends. There's also the problem of whether I should really be releasing it in the same general time-frame as FF13. But let's actually get it completed first before I even think about that.


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can't make a bad game if you don't finish any games
- There is also a metric ton of post-game content that'll also need to be implemented. I'm hoping that doesn't take too long either, but who knows.

Sounds to me like you could use some uberbosses.
Just wanted to add: I don't know about you guys, but when I was planning out AAG, I was looking at some of the stuff I had planned out for late in the game, and was thinking to myself "Man, it'll be so awesome once I get to this part, that is, if I ever get to this part." Well I'd like to confirm that yes, it is indeed awesome once you get to those parts. :D

Good to know. I wish I was at that part right about now. D:
Sounds to me like you could use some uberbosses.


Wait, was that me laughing like an evil maniac just now?
No, it was just me laughing at the fact that you posted an update. Teeheeheeheehee~! :avatar:

April it is, then! :D
I guess there will be no new demo till the final release, eh?
Nope. A lot of it is because of the way I'm building it. The game only has battles implemented up to the middle of phase 4, but you could go through the story up to the end of phase 6.

At this point, I've already picked up what I needed to know from the previous demo anyways, so I think it'd be best just to go for the big finish.
I'm sad that I'll have to wait longer but that can't be helped really.
I am glad that your making steady progress. Looking foward to playing it.
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