Based on the classic Japanese novel, this adaptation combines the visuals of the movie version with the deeper character development of the book and novel. The 42 students of Shiriowa Junior High school are the latest chosen for the sadistic, government-run Program. Stuck on an island it's kill or be killed. There can be only one survivor!
The choice is you team up with your classmates and attempt to escape the island? Do you prefer to go solo and "play the game" until you're the last one standing? Or perhaps you will try to fight the power and take out the entire Program...
The finished game will feature:
-five playable characters, 3 initial and 2 bonus characters selectable when certain conditions are met
-a 3 day time limit, with corresponding day and night
-some classmates will attack you on sight, some can be saved and some can join you as allies,depending on the player character
-two ally types - active allies participate in battle whilst passive allies can be called on for one-off attacks
-as time passes, different areas of the island will become danger zones. Walk in to one of these and it's game over...
-character development through story flashbacks and dialogue choices that will affect how other students will react to you
The project is in early days yet, so any advice/suggestions will be appreciated!
The choice is you team up with your classmates and attempt to escape the island? Do you prefer to go solo and "play the game" until you're the last one standing? Or perhaps you will try to fight the power and take out the entire Program...
The finished game will feature:
-five playable characters, 3 initial and 2 bonus characters selectable when certain conditions are met
-a 3 day time limit, with corresponding day and night
-some classmates will attack you on sight, some can be saved and some can join you as allies,depending on the player character
-two ally types - active allies participate in battle whilst passive allies can be called on for one-off attacks
-as time passes, different areas of the island will become danger zones. Walk in to one of these and it's game over...
-character development through story flashbacks and dialogue choices that will affect how other students will react to you
The project is in early days yet, so any advice/suggestions will be appreciated!
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NathanFrey - RPG Maker XP
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