"Celes, a woman raised from childhood as the prophesied Savior, embarks on a mission to fulfill her destiny and protect the world. But she soon finds herself at odds with a man with a mysterious investment in her mission, and learns that there may be more to her role than she bargained for..."
Eons ago, the world and all of its splendours were created by the magnificent and all-powerful being simply known as the "Creator." It wove the threads of life, and upon creating the planet of Tsufanubra, spotted it with its most cherished life-form: man.
Having gifted mankind with all of its blessing and necessities, the Creator simply watched as man forged his own path in life, and over the decades crafted himself in to a race of truly wondrous individuals numbering in the millions.
The Creator, however, grew tired of this creation, and thus gave life to three heavenly Kings to watch over and monitor the world in his stead. Overseeing their lord's creation from on-high, the Three Kings of Tsufanubra guided their people into an age of peace and prosperity for countless years to follow...
Then that fated day cameāthe day wherein a great darkness spilled from the opposite world of Arbunafust, and threatened to dominate Tsufanubra and all who lived upon it. The efforts of this otherworldly force, however, were thwarted by the Three Kings. They gifted mankind with four divine relics, then simply waited for man to take back what had been stolen from them.
With the aid of their overseers, man was able to forcibly remove the invading force, and cast it back to whence it came.
Their purpose completed, the relics bore themselves into the earth, forever shedding their light in silence so that mankind could attain eternal peace.
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- Ephiam
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ashikai - Dyhalto (Sprite Editor)
Desertopa (Co-Writer)
Yellow Magic (Tester/LPer)
Trihan (Battle Animation Designer) - RPG Maker 2000
- Strategy Adventure RPG
- 01/09/2012 06:48 PM
- 10/09/2023 03:56 PM
- 02/27/2017
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