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Update! Both game-wise and life-wise.

  • Zeuzio
  • 10/24/2016 10:46 PM
I've decided to release a little update for Vagabond, adding something I've wanted to add for a while. Here are the changes this update brings:

- Various typos and errors have been corrected.
- Because I'm such a nice guy, you can now save just before the optional Venia fight during the monster arena.
- Credits, taken verbatim from the text file included with the game, have been added to the ending screen in the form of scrolling text.
- This is the big one: I've added back in the cut dungeon that acted as the game's final dungeon in the beta. The dungeon is now optional, however, and can be accessed once Venia is defeated(look for her in the final area). Completing the dungeon, which is no easy feat according to the testers, will unlock a more powerful version of the final boss as well as a secret scene in the ending. The rest of the story and gameplay remains the same.

So that's the 2.3 update for Vagabond, but what's been happening in my life? Why haven't I been at all active(besides lurking)?

Well, in late 2014 I had a bad bout of depression. I dropped out of my college classes and later quit my job. After the new year I was starting to feel a bit better, but felt stuck in the dingy, bible belt town I grew up in. So after a lot of hesitation but eventually support from my sister and my mom, who was fighting cancer, I left the nest to move to a big city.

I was too focused on adjusting to life in my new place to worry about game making. New job, new hobbies, new friends... Then in February, I moved back to my hometown to help take care of my mom, whose cancer had gotten worse despite fighting so hard. I figured, once she got out of the hospital, she'd need me around more than ever.

Well... She didn't make it. She died in April of 2016. It's been hard, and my family and I are all still healing. Since then, life hasn't been getting much better. I've been living with my dad, which isn't ideal for many reasons, and my depression has come back too. I can't be depressed forever, though, so I'm going to try and do something again that I've had a hard time with lately: create. Starting with this small update to a game already completed, to hopefully many more projects in the future. Basically what I'm trying to say is, I'm back. Hopefully.

Welp, thanks for taking the time to read this, and enjoy the new Vagabond update if you decide to play it.


Pages: 1
Oh, yikes, that's rough. I hope it gets better, Zeuzio. Either way, it's great to see you again. I think the decision to create again was the best one possible. ^.^ Good luck! I'll check out the update when I get some time(which is... rare but nonetheless)!
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Guess me waiting to do the LP of this that I owe has paid off.
Oh, yikes, that's rough. I hope it gets better, Zeuzio. Either way, it's great to see you again. I think the decision to create again was the best one possible. ^.^ Good luck! I'll check out the update when I get some time(which is... rare but nonetheless)!

Thanks. We'll see how long this lasts, though, when I finally dive into a project again. As for the update, there's not much to it unless you've already beaten the game and the superboss.

Guess me waiting to do the LP of this that I owe has paid off.

I forgot about this! Looking forward to it!

...Also, I really want to thank you again for your help in the past. Might need it now, too. Oh, and congrats on the site promotion! :)
I'm gonna try playing the game when I get some time.
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