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Beclem ready for battle, a tutorial, and something important!

Avee has finished Beclem's first wave of battle sprites, and you guys should be seeing them soon. Beclem has the distinct honor of having the most frames out of any character so far, due to his Blitz abilities requiring more than just the default frames. :D

For anyone interested, I've released a tutorial with the help of a talented script author (KilloZapIt) to utilize a function that is present in-game in FFD's Via Infinito bonus dungeon. Just to refresh, the Via Infinito is a 100 floor dungeon that is randomly generated, and each chest inside the dungeon contains random items in random amounts. The dungeon can be repeated an infinite number of times by the player.

You can find that tutorial right here: Random Reward Chest(s)

Lastly, I'd like to talk about something I feel pretty strongly about. No doubt, a few readers here may have sparked my wrath a bit when proper credits for things aren't given for some of the work I've done. I still see it happen far too often, but I am a lot quieter about it these days. I know the community management here has nudged all of us to be more mindful of proper credits for artwork and things, without making it a requirement, which is cool. Over the past few days, I've been going over the files in FFD, renaming them to contain the proper credits, PER FILE. I feel that everything, no matter how small, should always be credited properly.

I can honestly say I've seen more projects steal stuff from FFDs old demos than, really, any other game (whatever that game Hanzo Kimura made comes close, though!). A lot of that stuff isn't in use in FFD anymore, so I'm less annoyed by it now, but it's still wrong. I have even seen projects outright steal 100 frame battle animation sequences (not the file, the actual sequence in the engine) from me. That sort of thing is not cool, and it's not something I will ever have MY projects be accused of, that I promise.

FFD itself has FOUR different ways for players to view the game's credits; in a text file in the game's folder, here on this gamepage, in-game at anytime through the options menu, and finally, online on my public Google Drive in a spreadsheet. I feel like at LEAST including a text file in any game project's download should be the standard or a rule, but that's not up to me. I know I'm probably going above and beyond on this, but I encourage anyone else using other people's resources to do the same. Be a good person. Give people the peace of mind that when they share their work, they're not being taken for granted. It would only help the maker community grow positively, if you ask me.

Here is a link to the FFD credits list on my Google Drive, which is also included in the credits page here. It is not fully filled out just yet (these spreadsheets take a while with me scanning folders for names and such), but it should be up to speed in a day or two. The spreadsheet has the honor of being the most in-depth list out of the four, where I gave specific descriptions and links to creators sites whenever possible (and I'll be focusing more on that in the coming days).

FFD Public Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3CXRDOI3PXiVVhVaGlfNDhsX1k


Pages: 1
Protip: The tutorial link may not work until it is approved for display. ^_-
Wow... You pulled out all the stops on that Google Drive doc. I'm surprised actually. But it's good, you're making sure that things don't end up forgotten.

Also, I'm listed as a playtester? I don't think I helped much at that, I'm more of a "sound hunter".
Wow... You pulled out all the stops on that Google Drive doc. I'm surprised actually. But it's good, you're making sure that things don't end up forgotten.

Eh, it's the right thing to do, is all.

Also, I'm listed as a playtester? I don't think I helped much at that, I'm more of a "sound hunter".

That's listed, too.
Well, I noticed mention in "music acquisition". I was just surprised with "playtester" thing. Still cool. ;)
The tutorial I posted has been approved for display, just a heads up.
Pages: 1