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RMN Blog: http://rpgmaker.net/games/5443/

Tumblr Blog: http://noxfuture.tumblr.com/

Much has changed in the years since the Old Gods have perished.

The world continues it's slow descent into oblivion, arbiters of the old order continue their struggle from the shadows, and the nations of the world, formerly oblivious to the Eldritch powers that bore this crisis, begin to harness it's potential for their own gain.

Nero, a man born from such strange powers is thrust into a world of ancient battles, New Gods, and an all powerful enigma who watches over all from his very subconscious.

The long awaited conclusion to the cult classic RPGmaker game; Demon Legacy.

- A note on character commands -

Each character has their own set of specific commands. Not all characters can use items but such characters can make up for this handicap in many ways.


Q: Is this the finished game? All of it?

A: Yes, this is done. There is no "Part I Part II" stuff here. It's done. Finished. Completed.

Q: What about part 1?

A: Disregard it. It's canned. I rewrote the whole thing, or rather reverted the story to what I had planned to do before the game was delayed by waiting for artwork that never panned out.

Q: Do I have to play Demon Legacy in order to understand this?

A: Not really. There are some nods to the first game but nothing that would ruin the experience for newcomers.

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I'm starting. Come on in if you want to hear me talk to myself.
  • Completed
  • Nightblade
  • RPG Tsukuru 2003
  • RPG
  • 05/05/2008 02:17 PM
  • 08/24/2013 05:16 PM
  • 06/22/2011
  • 338640
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You can make an enemy's action turn on a switch after it is used easily, it should just be in the AI box for an enemy. Tell him to use the skill, turn Switch X on when used, and then have a battle event wait until that switch is turned on to end the fight. I used something similar to make an enemy that always opens with the same attack then use a different set by having the starting move flip a switch and the rest of the enemy's moveset have a higher priority/chance/whatever but with the precondition of that switch being on. No clumsy battle events or anything and it should work fine.
You can make an enemy's action turn on a switch after it is used easily, it should just be in the AI box for an enemy. Tell him to use the skill, turn Switch X on when used, and then have a battle event wait until that switch is turned on to end the fight. I used something similar to make an enemy that always opens with the same attack then use a different set by having the starting move flip a switch and the rest of the enemy's moveset have a higher priority/chance/whatever but with the precondition of that switch being on. No clumsy battle events or anything and it should work fine.

Looking at it, I understand now. I didn't use battle events, I used party exhaustion as the trigger. Party exhaustion apparently. takes into account the MP, so if someone started the battle with a skill; the attack won't trigger.

Still wish I knew what was causing all of the random event errors. I doubt hex editing the exe would cause this.
Looking at it, I understand now. I didn't use battle events, I used party exhaustion as the trigger. Party exhaustion apparently. takes into account the MP, so if someone started the battle with a skill; the attack won't trigger.

Oh god...this is it.

Everything has to be a switch in the dbs if you want the closest chance of a 100% trigger. I'm going to take a look at some of the events to see what the issue might be.
Speaking of hex editing, where exactly did you find where to change the Active to Wait by default? Trying to do the same but with a different RPG_RT version.
My mind is full of fuck.
Just glad that I'm outta that first dungeon, but way past it anyway, just letting you know, I had to save myself the trouble of using the in game switch device to get though the event, as I got lost to what I was going to do. But nevermind anyway.
Yellow Magic
Could I BE any more Chandler Bing from Friends (TM)?
In the basement type thing in Dalmar (with Alistar) I encountered that "Event Script Referenced an Item That Does Not Exist" error. I think this was right after I set up a trap.

Apart from that bug (and a few passability errors here and there) I'm really liking this game so far! It's inspiring me to take a more traditional approach with my project.
I'm really surprised that you talk about salvaging this project.
I think it's well done and I don't really remember the old intro so no idea if it really was better than this one. I only think it could have used a bit more dialogue, or more like monolgue from Slade instead of showing a short scene and then throwing the player into it without any idea what's going on, which is especially bad for anyone who hasn't played Demon Legacy.

Sure, the game may not be ground breaking but it did keep me going all through the end. Only there lies my main complaint:
The battle agains Thanatos is just too damn hard. When he creates the barrier it takes too long to take it down so he most likely fully regenerates himself while it's up and even after that I'm busy with healing my party again and again instead of dealing damage.

But otherwise I'd really like to see a continuation. You don't even have to continue to expand this game. It's just an episode after all so you could simply create a new project to continue the story.
I just finished playing the latest demo for Phantom Legacy.

I haven't been following the forums. So I'm not quite sure what else there is to say about this demo that hasn't already been said.

Except for the fact that, this version of Phantom Legacy in a sense, is the game I've always wanted to see made in rpgmaker 2003. A game that faithfully utilizes the aesthetics of SNES RPGs. A game which rejects the tropes and archetypes of JRPGs and approaches the story with a writers sensibility. A game which works within the limitations of the Default Battle System and utilizes it to the best of it's ability; the battles never feels cumbersome or obtuse, it's always very clear and concise.

I would go so far as to say that every game made in rpgmaker 2003 should play like Phantom Legacy. Simply because even if it wasn't called Phantom Legacy the principals of an "indie SNES RPG" are still there. It demonstrates that the medium as a whole is actually worth revisiting and expanding upon.

The only minor issue I have with this iteration of Phantom Legacy is that - and this is something that I also found in Demon Legacy as well - but there are moments where the characters, Nero in particular, have this tendency to bounce between speaking in a highly sophisticated manner to an everyday working joe using slang within a medieval setting.

…But for some reason, I felt that this works. It works with Nero, because there are moments where he's not quite sure of himself, which only adds to his character and It works in general because even in Demon Legacy, there were numerous occasions where the cast would exhibit this behaviour, interspersed with the occasional bit of comic relief. This all but, only helps reinforce the unique voice that has already establish itself within the series. Because if nothing else, the snide remarks these characters make to their otherwise dysfunctional cohorts, as they struggle to halt the machinations of one man's desire to change the world, is essentially what Demon/Phantom Legacy is.

Games like Phantom Legacy are the sole reason why I continue to play rpgmaker games: I believed at one point that if rpgmaker2003 had obtained the level of success that it had, we would eventually see games similar to Dave Gilbert's The Shivah. We would eventually achieve a market similar to the adventure game genre where the only difference between two games would be in the story that was being told.

It would be similar to walking into a bookstore offering a wide selection of books to choose from; it didn't matter which book you eventually picked up off from the shelf, there would always be a certain level of consistent quality which lead to it's eventual publications.

In that sense, games would no longer be solely for entertainment purposes, but would provide unique insight into what the creator values most and perhaps attempt to impart this value to the audience either through story or what they choose to have the player interact with.

Unfortunately this isn't the case with rpgmaker as our community has a long way to go before ever obtaining that of level of sophistication, if ever.

But Phantom Legacy is a step in the right direction.

Now of course, it's not spectacular (I don't think any rpgmaker game is). But what it does, it does extremely well and it does so earnestly.

I would really like to see more games like this.
Unfortunately this isn't the case with rpgmaker as our community has a long way to go before ever obtaining that of level of sophistication, if ever.

It will, if I have anything to say about it (says the unproven noob).
Derka derka.
(Socrates would certainly not contadict me!)
So I played it up till the fight with Jericho (which i didn't manage yet {that's really a hard one!}), and really enjoyed it, from the moment i was done with the redone part (maybe redoing what you had already done so thoroughly was a bore or didn't make sense?)Some beautiful maps, I especially appreciated the cave underneath Alistar's inn. great game!
@LordBlue Rouge : interesting view of (amongst other possibilities) what could be a 2k3 game. Wonderful avatar!
I really don't see any way to beat Jericho (the second time), help, thanks.
My thoughts...

En primera instancia Phantom Legacy parte 1 es en realidad parte .1 es tan cortisimo que es sin duda la mas grande decepcion del juego (a mas tardar en 2 horas lo "acabas)".

En cuanto a la historia tenemos que hay una primera parte (llamada Demon Legacy) la cual no jugue debido a que no sabia que existia por tanto a la historia no le encontre chiste alguno y poco sentido, se sumariza en: compa que es revivido/creado tiene amnesia (que raro verdad?) lo quieren aprisionar y mata auna horda de guardias y luego cuando finalmente logran encarcelarlo despierta y no sabe como le hizo paramatar a tantos.

despues morra que por motivo incierto lo ayuda a escapar y se dedican todo el cortisimo juego a escapar de sus persecutores. Luego vienen unos displays de los malos planenado cosas que no tienen sentido y/o que lo tendran en algun futuro pero al menos en esta primera parte no lo tienen. Se te une el "rey" Alistar para que lo ayuden a tumbar a su carnalito y ya. Congratulations, you beat the game.

En su lado bueno es que las peleas no son las tipicas de que matas alos enemigos de 1 golpe y estos son inocentes slimes, aqui los enemigos si tienen su chiste, si no tienes cuidado te pueden ganar aunque empieces con hp lleno.

Graficos, decentes al mas estilo del romancing saga 3 y musica tomada de otros rpgs que le quedo mas o menos bien.

En conclusion no me atrevo a recomendar que jueges este juego, primero sugeriria empezar el demon legacy y ya si te llea agustar entonces esperate a que phantom legacy este completo, porque esas partes .1 .2 no valen la pena jugarlas.

Le damos un score de 2.0 por ofrecer buenas peleas.
My mind is full of fuck.
Okay, so I'm suppose to beat that masked guy, well, might level up abit more then

Been way past there and completed the first part of the game. I can't wait,
Shadar is all mighty and takes down anyone in his path, I wonder where Nero and his pals are now....

Can't wait for the next chapter.
I see 1 and 3 on this site but where part 2. 0 and I cant get part 3 to work. it says the rpg maker 2003 runtime package is not present or not registered . I've download games from RPG Maker 2003 and most worked .so what could be wrong .please help