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If you want to post in-depth feedback about the demo, please post it here :) And I would really appreciate it.


Pages: 1
I just played through your demo and here are my impressions.

I like the idea of the girl having to go save her pet cat.

The demo did have lots of spelling and punctuation mishaps.

Dreadful was spelled 'dreadfull'.
Butt was spelled 'but'.
There are many places where commas are missing.
Also, spaces are often missing before the next sentence.

Also, the text was oftentimes cut off when I played. I could still figure out what they were saying, but it did detract from the experience.

Is there a menu to the game? I couldn't access it.

Music fit well. I did like the outside snowy music.

I liked how the sprites were a bit different from the normal VX rtp.

Overall, I would say this game has a cute start, but could use a bit of polishing. I am curious to see more.
Thanks for the feedback(and sorry for the late reply >.<)

I've fixed most of the spelling errors and I'm just waiting till RSW is over so I can replace the old demo with a new polished one.

The menu was disabled for the beginning since there was nothing really to do in the menu at that time, you have no skills and item or weapons/armor equipped.

And thank you again for playing and giving feedback, I really appreciate it :)
Your story has a nice beginning and holds the potential become a lovely story.
It reminds me of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

“Also, the text was oftentimes cut off when I played. I could still figure out what they were saying, but it did detract from the experience.”

I also hit this issue, it can be serious.
The system reads the default font setting of the user's pc rather than your own pc.
(I met a same problem in my story, and later I make some changes...)

Add the following to your "main" script

Font.default_name = "Times New Roman"
Font.default_size = 24

Hope it can help you :)
Thanks for the feedback and lots of people have been telling me that it reminds them of that( even though I never even thought of it when I was making the game XD)

And I'll add that to the main script! Thanks a lot for that! :)
Pages: 1