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Seven Seals Streaming

  • Scourge
  • 02/28/2018 09:25 PM
Tonight, at 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern, you can watch a streamer by the name of Hard Reset play through the remainder of Chapter One, if you're interested!

He's in the Grim Tower at this point and the stream has been a good way to communicate feedback and opinions about the game, which has been very helpful to me. The rest of the playthrough should be uploaded on YouTube soon enough at which point I'll add it was media to this gamepage.

To be clear, I'm not affiliated with this streamer in any way. He just happened to reach out and offer to stream Chapter One. Of course, I still encourage anyone who's interested to stop by and watch for a while.

Lastly, Chapter Two is still progressing well. I got about halfway through on my initial test playthrough when I ran into an ugly bug that's taken some work to unravel. Ideally, I should have the game to testers within a week or so.


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I thought you are going to make a "Steamed Hams" joke for a moment
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