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Update 2 : Inputs, 3D blocks, and map overview

  • Wano
  • 08/20/2015 12:23 PM
Hi, news time !

Inputs management :

You can choose the default input values in your game. Of course, I will make an IG input management for players too that can be disable by the maker.

3D blocks :

/!\ this still is a WIP /!\

I just started 3D blocks, but there are some things I want to improve, such as the bottom borders that are missing for top blocks.

Settings :

Length : Length of the block in the tile square. Range : 0..tile_size
Width : Width of the block in the tile square. Range : 0..tile_size
Height : Height of the block. The real pixel height correspond to (height*tile_size), so if you choose height = 1 you will have a perfect cube. Range : -9999..9999
Height more : If you to have a height wich is not a multiple of tile size, complete this part. Range : 0..tile_size

Example for a 16x16 tile : length = 16, width = 16, height = 2, height more = 5

=> pixel height = (16*2) + 5 = 37px

Map overview :

While you are selecting a map, you can now have a 2D overview where you will :
- Choose the starting point
- Add events (possible in the map editor too)
- Have a better overview when you want to move the map (after resizing it for example)

That's all, but if you have any other idea to use the overview, please let me know.

See you next week !


Pages: 1
Awesome! Great interface to change input options, and love the Minecraftish blocks! :)
Does the map overview display sprites like trees and the like?

This is looking very nice! :^D.
I wanna marry ALL the boys!! And Donna is a meanc
Is it just going to be blocks? Or will we be able to use other models like...
"wait you made this a career?"
This is getting better and better keep it up!
Thanks. :)

Does the map overview display sprites like trees and the like?

Yep. For 3D objects I don't know how I will represent it, maybe with the thumbnail you are using in the map editor !

ExtremeDevelopment > Yes you can, but... I recommend against using that kind of complex objects, particularly if the object is moving. This is not a powerfull engine, you can do a house like this :

You can do something more complex of course, but avoid spheres, for example. It's not a big problem for static elements because I can stock it in a Display List. However, a moving object should be really classic because it will have to be redrawn in each frame.

Better use unity if you want that kind of graphics. xD
Pages: 1