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Concept Art: Enemy Monsters - Beastbear, Wolfdog, Rodentia
  • kentona
  • Added: 07/13/2017 02:51 AM
  • Last updated: 09/01/2024 03:08 AM


Pages: 1
Well... I don't know about gorgeous...
But impressive for sure.
In true retro JRPG fashion, you must now undertake the daunting task of fitting them into a tiny little sprite.

Bugbeast, Beastbear. Bearst. Bugbearst. Bugbear.

Don't mind me.

I do wonder why wolfdog has claws like that but it looks great. Dolf. Wog. Wogolf. Dolgf.

I'm being a pain.
In all fairness, bird shrapnel isn't as deadly as wood shrapnel
Stellar work! These babies look like something out of an old D&D monster manual. *_*
In true retro JRPG fashion, you must now undertake the daunting task of fitting them into a tiny little sprite.

Like this?

Bigwig has already done the sprites. I shared them with my patrons on Patreon. You, Sgt, can check them out there!

Pages: 1