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- kentona
- Added: 02/02/2018 03:39 PM
- Last updated: 12/22/2024 07:44 AM
Sir Redd of Novus: He who made Prayer of the Faithless that one time, and that was pretty dang rad! :D
Ocean does fantastic work! That looks amazing!
Very... VERY cool :O
If you could add some awesome pre-title sequence like the scrolling sword in Soul Blazer, that would complete the circle.
If you could add some awesome pre-title sequence like the scrolling sword in Soul Blazer, that would complete the circle.
That is seriously awesome and amazing! I love how you can immediately tell when it's one of Ocean's works simply by the style.
Wonderful! Have you checked Zoho? I've something else in. "Intro music"; I accidentally put it at the title screen, but I didn't mean to.
I did now. Neat! I should have found a better way to collaborate than Zoho. It's good and all, but you have to remember to check it.
I should make a developers hub solution right here on RMN... one day.
I should make a developers hub solution right here on RMN... one day.
I mean, we do have developer hidden page on gamepages, right? Do you get notifications for posts on that?
maybe i have bad eyes but i feel the darkest blue is too dark -- it's really hard to read 'heroic edition'. looks nice otherwise, even if it doesn't immediately say "hero's realm" to me stylistically
I yearn to see this title as theme music plays, ready to start my adventure.
Hold on, lemme find that Patreon button...
Hold on, lemme find that Patreon button...