RPG Maker VX Ace

More than 3 drops per enemy

  • YF
  • 12/17/2011 03:00 PM

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Enemies by default only drop three items maximum in RPG Maker VX Ace. The drop rates are also limited to rates that can only be achieved through denominator values. A drop rate of say, 75% cannot be achieved. This script provides the ability to add more than just three drops and more control over the drop rates, too.

Use notetags to increase the number of drops players can get and varying rates at which items will drop. These notetags go into the enemy notebox.

<drop Ix: y%>
<drop Wx: y%>
<drop Ax: y%>

Causes enemy to drop item, weapon, or armour (marked by I, W, or A) x at a rate of y percent. Insert multiples of this tag to increase the number of drops an enemy can possibly have.


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