RPG Maker VX Ace

A means of having the game time out after a fixed period, with one last save possible.

Version 1.4

Definable in-game variable. (Time Limit, Time Remaining, Demo Switch, Expiration Status Switch) (Set these to 0 if you aren't going to use them in game.)
Expiration messages. (One to show prior to Auto-save, the other for Auto-Quit.)
Auto-Save at timeout.
Auto-Quit at timeout.
Saving Disable at timeout. (If Auto-Quit is disabled.)


Version History
  • Initial release

  • Added Expiration message display.

  • Variables to access demo state from in game itself.
  • Added options for controlling automatic behaviour.
  • Added option on whether manual saving is also disabled on demo expiration

  • Expired saves cannot be reloaded unless AUTO_QUIT is false
  • Save disabled option has its own message now.

  • Fixed a bug where save was disabled at timeout when DEMO_MODE was set as false

commercial use permitted.


Pages: 1
You made some mistakes, like with the update it isnt suppose to be in CAPS so i had to change them to Lowercase and it worked! Please fix this and it would be great!
That seems weird. The ALL caps part, are constants, that is things that are not meant to change at runt time. Just did a quick test, inserting the script into a new project, and had no issues using the script as is.
I am using the bypass title screen script with this. How would i make it go to a custom map that is being used as a title screen?
Pages: 1