Making 2-D platformers for your new RPG's!

As we all know, RPG Maker 2003 has been limited to Overhead RPG's, but what if you can make a platforming aspect in it? Well I'm here to teach you!

First, make a map that fits for the 2-D environment. Make sure that the floor is impassable so that when the player presses the down button, the player can't get through! Also, make the tiles above the player impassable too! Now, make two TileSets, both looking exactly the same! One, name it "Walking Map", will make every tile that the player doesn't walk across impassable and the second, name it "Jumping Map", will have everything passable! I'll explain why soon!

Now, first, you want to make a variable titled "Jump". Next, you should make an event titled "Jumping" which is a Parallel Process. Inside that, you would have a Key Input Processing. Now, inside the Key Input Processing, have the "Store key in" be the "Jump" variable! Now, check the Decision Key box. Notice that the Decision Key box has a "(5)" next to it. That means that the "Jump" variable will equal 5 when the Decision Key is pressed.

Now, in the "Jumping" event, put a conditional branch that says "if Jump is equal to 5". Inside that, the first thing you should put is Change Map Tileset and change it from "Walking Map" to "Jumping Map". This will make it so when your jumping, you can go through anything. Now, before you do that, it's time to make the Common Event!

Inside the Common Event, set the "Jump" variable to 0 and put another Key input Processing that only listens for the Left Key, the Right Key, and the Up Key. Now, make three other Common Events, one named "Left Jump", one named "Right Jump", and one named "Up Jump".

In the "Left Jump" Common Event, have a Move Event that would cause the hero to move Up Left twice, Left once, and Down Left Twice, and Face Left. The "Right Jump" Common Event will have a Move Event that would cause the hero to move Up Right twice, right once, and Down Right Twice, and Face Right. In the "Up Jump", have a Move Event that would cause the hero to Move Up twice and Move Down twice.

Now, go back to the "Jumping" Common Event and make three Conditional Branches. One would be "If Jump Variable equals 2", one would be "If Jump Variable equals 3", and one would be "If Jump Variable Equals 4".

Inside the "if Jump Variable equals 2" Conditional Branch, call the Jump Left Common Event. Inside the "If Jump Variable equals 3" Conditional Branch, call the Jump Right Common Event. Inside the "If Jump Variable equals 4" Conditional Branch, call the Jump Up Common Event.

Noooow, after all that, go back to the Jump Event, not the Common Event, the first event on the map! Put the Jump Common Event inside the "If Jump equals 5" Conditional Branch and lastly, change the Map Tileset from "Jumping Map" to the "Walking Map". At the end, outside the conditional branch, have an End Event Processing and it's done! Now test it and the character will jump back and forth!

Any questions? Go ahead and ask!


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Yea, I sorta got how to do this, from working with jumping in RPGs. But this is a good explanation of the basic systems. You should also go into stuff like spike hit detection, and other obstacles.
Yep! It's the basics, but you have to get people to start somewhere! If I go into that kind of stuff, it'll start confusing people! It's already long enough already n_n
I've tried to do this, but can't really make it work :S it would be easier if you could use some pictures to show it or maybe even a youtube video. I would really like this to work :) i could send you my project so you could see what i've done wrong?

- TheKahr
Ya, go ahead and send me your project cause I don't know how to make this into a youtube video and there would be too many images to put on.
ok i registered on here so i can make an rpg game. well start it. and i have no idea where to go on this website. what do i do?
This is really great, wolftriplex. I'm really happy you put this tut up here, because it's really helped me out with a game i'm working on. I'm anxious to see another tutorial on making RPg maker 2003 platformer games with a little more detail!
On the whole, awesome!
After you download your game, how do you play it?
You have to find the file tilted "RPG_RT"! It'll either have a picture with a golden background and a sword or a golden background with a hero carrying a sword! Double click that file and you'll start playing!
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