Allows the user to change the battle transitions to make every battle start fun! Yay..?

This is an older tutorial of mine that I'm going to post where other people can actually see it.

Welcome to my tutorial. Have you ever wanted the transitions to change every once in a while? Or just to not have the same, repetitive one all the time? Maybe you just want something that may or may not make your game look or seem cooler? If you said yes to any of these, this is one of the tutorials for you! I hope to make it simple enough for you to understand!

What you need.
Knowledge of variables
A brain
  • Simple comprehension abilities

Let's begin the tutorial, shall we?

#Step 1~
First, choose and name your variable. For the sake of this tutorial I will be naming mine "Random Transition". Then click OK.

#Step 2~
Then go and set that variable to a random number between 0 and whatever maximum you wish to use. I'm going to set it to 3. Then click OK.

#Step 3~
Once you do that, go into your event panel and select the "CONDITIONAL BRANCH".

#Step 4~
Press the radio button captioned VARIABLE and select the variable you created before. Set the condition to EQUAL TO and the number to 0. Uncheck the "EXECUTE CUSTOM HANDLER IF CONDITION NOT MET" checkbox. It may be named differently, as I am using RPG Maker 2009 Ultimate. Then click OK.

#Step 5~
Click in between the conditional branch and double-click to go back into the Event Commands and select "SET SCREEN TRANSITIONS".

#Step 6~
Set these to whichever you wish to change during the random transitions.

#So Far~
This is what it should look like so far.

#Step 7~
Finally, to reduce lag issues with the event processing, go back into your event commands and set a wait command.

Set that 10 value to whatever you wish to, recommended number is 5 which'll make it wait for half a second. If you want a whole second use 10, and for 5 seconds use 50. Get it? Good..

I'm glad you read my tutorial and I hope it was able to help you in any way. I also hope you were able to learn from it and more about RPG Maker2k/3 so you can expand off this and do so much more. Happy Days.