

Aethers' Forge


Nothing much just some sketch to fill today's quota
I sacrifice sleep just for this threeeaaaaad.

Looks like I overdone it on minimizing though. fixed

Aethers' Forge


More robots.

For some reason the file size is hueg this time round (500kb). Not sure why, but this makes it hard to conserve my locker file size limit. hmph.

Sorry about the (previous) pics getting messed up. Apparently I lack imagination in naming them files, so it was overwritten.


I'd say 1 is easier to animate, for moving and all that.

The 2nd is good for style points though.

Aethers' Forge

It's nice to see you're still active SW :3

Likewise, Ness! I have a lot to catch up to make up for the missing time.


Something I whipped out pretty quick. Tis' chummer is my runner.

SR:Dragonfall is a neat little game. Slightly lacking here and there yes, but immersive nevertheless.

McBacon Jam

I think in the past it was something like:

1. Delegate project leaders (perhaps "representative" would fit better)
2. Show some general project idea/direction
3. Participants choose which team they are interested in

Not saying this would be efficient/good idea for this event, but might help to get it rolling; and perhaps, help the "mercenaries" to find their place.

Also, for point no. 1, I didn't mean they have to be chosen by the organizer, they can come out on their own and pitch their ideas.

Although I just realized that the theme hasn't even been given out.

Aethers' Forge


MP-Type, Multi purpose walker mech.

Those green lines at the sides, behind and front are where the weapon system are loaded.
Basically concept from a game where you decide which weapon to load for upcoming battle (RPG). Honestly, if you played Cyber Knight for SNES, just replace biped mecha with this and that's pretty how it works.

Extra concept a few days ago. I kinda forgot how to draw the walker, so had to search for old sketches. I just remembered that I based it on MG REX if that isn't obvious already.


McBacon Jam

author=Max McGee
There's also the basic human fact that I think all people WANT to be popular and desired. It's only natural. So when I see lots of people saying that they really want to work with 'X, Y, or Z' in this thread and neither X, nor Y, nor Z is me, it makes me feel bad like I am the kid getting "picked last" in dodgeball. I'm sure I'm not the only grown-ass adult person having grade school flashbacks over this.

But as I mentioned in my last post it's chaotically nebulous to what degree the "picking" has even started so yeah that feeling of being unwanted isn't necessarily fully justified.

Well now, if it would make you feel better, i was about to put your name in my list but two things stopped me
1. I'd have put Eldrich II there but at that moment the joke (all my list is titled "x II") is getting a bit old so i didn't edit the list
2. I put you above my league! Your stories are pretty technical-heavy and while i do enjoyed them (eldrich in fact made me start reading lovecraft), sometimes i got lost in the details. Worried if i can't keep up. I work in simpler settings.
So uh, be more confident i guess. You have GOOD ideas (if any, you have a professional team i think, that should make you like... Qualified in teamwork)

Aethers' Forge

It hasn't actually started yet (but will very soon). There's still time to join up.
I like your purple/pink knight!

I might check it out but we'll see.

As for the lack of update yesterday

Or was is called blackout in english? whichever. It was pretty disheartening so I decided not to draw anything.

(those white light line was out of desperation I think. Looks pretty bad)
Progress update : Colouring is still a bane of mine.
Might need to check some videos (youtube hopefully) on how to do this.
Also can't decide which friggin brush to use for colouring. After 2 years you'd think I already know my brushes, but nooooooo

McBacon Jam

author=Max McGee
Wow, so this thing is not until January 22nd and people be finalizing teams already? Damn.

Hype train wait for no oneee

I am probably going to not be a part of this jam because I am probably not going to wind up partnered with anybody (due to an uneven mix of my own high standards and/or crippling shyness, naturally). I'm going to try really hard not to let this remind me of every 'form your own teams' grade school project ever.

imo the best part is that the newcomers/fresh-meat have a chance to make a name for themselves, and that's cool.

Edit: Let me throw in another thought here. Ziegfried has said we are not to begin until 1/21...but in my experience, once a team gets together and starts discussing how to implement an idea, that is, for all intents and purposes, beginning. Even if they don't start cutting it up in the editor, it's still a head start. This isn't a big DEAL because as stated it's not a COMPETITION but it still occurs to me to be...worth mentioning? idk.

Yeah, it isn't a competition (I think so too?) and the head start ? I am cool with that. Really, because hopefully more planning/prepwork means more finished projects/collabs from this event.

Can't say no to that.

McBacon Jam

Sleeping wind: oddly enough I have several After the End plots scratched out in text files.

I have so many game ideas that I could probably make an event where teams could choose or get assigned one and tackle it.

I also have many ideas that I shoehorned into RPGs because I am not technically proficient enough to make say a hack n slash or platformer.

Does it involve robots? Hahaha
But yes, i share that sentiment, i shoehorned most ideas into rpg too.
To be honest, rpg ain't bad if pulled well but that's just me maybe.

Preferred Partner in Crime:

3 pages back, very bottom of page (either everyone waited for someone like me to post in such obscure position or i am just good at this)

Paradise Blue II : Deux. Where.