


can't wait to play it :D
nice walls btw


good game and concept , but needs some work :D

Black Future

i love rpg maker 2003 , thumbs up ! :D

Mack Sprites or RMXP sprites

wow ,, where did you find these !!
thank you very much , this is very helpful
and i'll take a look in the music resource section ..
thanks again ! <3

Mack Sprites or RMXP sprites

Hello everyone , i know that i am bothersome and i post here almost everyday but i hope that you help me :)
what i need is mack sprites OR rpg maker xp sprites for my game ..
now i tried to search in google and even in deviantart but i wasn't lucky and didn't find any
i need some normal people sprites ( not fantasy ) because all what i found in google was fantasy sprites

example :

something similar to this ( a t-shirt and some pants ) would be very awesome :D
thanks in advance <3

btw don't you know any good websites for background music ?


nice map , it gives me the chills ,, Definitely downloading :D
Edit : wow , 311MB .. you really did put your effort here

[RMVX ACE]Arab Boy Sprite wearing a THOBE ( Nothing too fancy)

thank you very much i really like it :D


unique !
like it

[RMVX ACE]Arab Boy Sprite wearing a THOBE ( Nothing too fancy)

Hello , i tried to search the internet for a boy wearing a THOBE ( white clothes for men in arab countries ) but i wasn't lucky at all , i just want a boy wearing a thobe sprite if you could help me that would be very awesome , i tried doing it by my self but i am baaad at graphics , thanks in advance :D
i want it to be a little tall , like , not chibi , for example :

and btw here is a Thobe :

thank you very very much <3


wow , nice graphics
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