Hello there, I'm Amenomori (not my real name, but the name I go by). You may or may not know it, but I also run a small Wordpress blog, which is Amenomori's World. I also do run Whimsical Fate, which is my current one.

Anyway, if you didn't look around the site, I mostly play RPGMaker horror games. I also play RPG games occasionally however. Non-RPGMaker wise, you'll have to ask me about it.

I will also accept test-playing, but bare in mind that I will not do videos. Plus points if it's horror or RPG. If that's up your alley, then I guess it's fine to ask me!

Don't worry, I don't bite. Just ask away if you need anything of me!

Current List :: a playlist on

Currently Playing

Very Retrouvaille
Help a little ram find their pet rabbit.
Safety: Life Is A Maze
Find out where your friend Andy went to! It's a Action/Adventure RPG/Thing.
Nightmare of The Snow 雪の...
From a cold ritual, a freezing curse was born... ~寒い転生から、氷結呪いが誕生~
Sukutte - Save Me...
Japanese Horror Game
Japanese Horror Game