

Asa's Tellahvision *SkyE reviewed!*

Yeah, your stories have yet to captivate me, Ana. As for improvement, this one was much fun to play in terms of blasting things!

Background isn't important in some cases, but in others it could make the difference between a good game and an awesome one. Taking some creative writing courses could help you find that "je ne sais quoi" you're looking for!

Vocals rarely work in RPG's. Dunno why.

As for your question about controls... I used 100% Keyboard. It never occured to me to hold the shift, X or Z... I just tapped away. I did indeed try to get specials and regular shots mixed to get by easier. I also found flying was rarely necessary.
I'd just sit on the ground and let them come to me while I blasted them to kingdom come.

I do indeed prefer original music, yes, but you'd be surprised what can work. Music really is about making it fit the mood perfectly. I suspect most of RM makers choose music based more on their own personal tastes rather than based on what FITS. May I suggest Harmonic? He's pretty known around here for his music. Not that I am really one to advertise for him, but asking is how you get places.

You're very welcome, Anaryu! Keep up the awesome work!

rate the above person's signiture

Game making hero and proud of it? 10/10

3 Hour Game Day #2

3 hours, Max! That's all that it'll take! (might be a fun brake from your REAL projects. Just make sure you don't turn THIS one into another full project! heh heh)

Asa's Tellahvision *SkyE reviewed!*

The featured game this week is SkyE, a collaboration between Anaryu and Yaomei.
(whom together form the unstoppable Anamei, destroyer of puns everywhere)

This is in every way you can imagine, a beautifully crafted game. There are some
issues with plot and ambience that hold it back from being truly great, however.
For starters, you'll pretty much NEED a controller if you want to really experience
this game to its' fullest potential. Alas, I had to make do with a keyboard, and
let me tell you, playing with a keyboard really takes a lot of the wind out of this game's sails. (see title of review) you will be pressing the Z and X buttons. A LOT. Then Shift to fly and the arrow keys to move, and well, maladroit hands (such as my own) will not make it far. If you're playing with a keyboard, the controls won't be forgiving.

Visually, this game is right where it's supposed to be; Anaryu's characteristic art
pervades the game and you get to see more art than say, Outlaw City, where I only ever saw THREE of his character designs. The designs themselves are nice looking, standard anime/manga fare, and work for what they're trying to portray. The battle graphics are out of this world. After SkyE, I fear I may be unfairly comparing future RM games to THIS standard, which is very well crafted. I like what he did in terms of when people are talking to each other; the characters are opaque, and whoever happens to be speaking is lit up so you know what picture corresponds to what character's name. The title screen? GORGEOUS. It definitely sets you up for good things to come!

In the music department, well here I lost touch with his game. The title screen music is BEAUTIFUL. I write this in all caps to truly emphasize how much I liked this because it truly set me up for the adventure. The rest of the music, however, falls flat. It never truly seems to fit the mood, and I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that the vocals themselves are nonsensical sounding. Example; here is a clip of the battle music, along with my translation:

though wait no scout real lake on fire
scout meal lake on fire
stone me lonely tony's slowly closing
some man in black King Blasto now
lacking Blasto now, now
please call me meat so we slam a Chun dead yo dead

Totopos don't stink the ship (enema!)
Cannes yote with my own fair (enemies!)
Lots of patience! (What a dick!)
Scaned on your chinese tank

Kitsch, what a bitch.

Kitsch, indeed. It's almost as if they KNOW it's really tacky sounding. The rest of the music fares no better; very distracting when you're trying to press Z and X over and over again in order to blast monster-ghost things away...and I found myself lacking LOTS of blasto in some fights. (there's also a problem with when you defeat them; they turn into little energy balls that you absorb. For a couple of minutes there I thought I was supposed to AVOID them, thinking they would hurt me. Not a good distinction is given between what is supposed to HURT you and what HEALS you, In my opinion)

Speaking of which, what the hell ARE they supposed to be, anyway? Ghosts?
Plot-wise, nothing truly ever makes any sense. I never quite got what I was really
fighting for, what I was protecting and for what reason. All I knew was "oooo! new battle scene! gotta blast more ghost thingies!" What are Rayths? What is happening to my reality? who are we, and why are we here? You'll find yourself asking a lot of questions you'll never get answers to. When you die, you'll just skip it all anyway to get to the battles again, which are the crowning achievement of this game.

As I once said about Anaryu; I would hire this guy in a heartbeat to make an ingenious battle system and program a game; he's an ACE at this, But I'd never trust my writing to him.

In conclusion, the game is fun in terms of mechanics and visuals. I think if RM Action Game ever comes out, this one would be more suited to that program than standard RM. If you're looking for depth and plot in your games, this one's not for you. You'll miss out on the sidescroller-shoot-em-up goodness though, and that's your loss. Do play with a controller, though.


I am slightly in disagreement with Max on the Skye front.

Actually, I think we only agree the programming aspects of it.

Add A Caption!

Looks like it's time for a new one:

Relations with The Gender of Your Preference

Well yeah, the reason they can't ask em' so easily is because they've delayed the "liking" part so much they are too infatuated to THINK, heh heh.

I made those mistakes too, yep. One would say it's all part of being human.

The end result is... two kids who'll grow up to go through the same process, heh heh.
(god help me.)

[Demo] Everything Turns Gray - First Real Demo! & [Short Game] Vermicide

I gotta review Skye though, Max! I'll definitely put it on my to-play list.

Relations with The Gender of Your Preference

author=aprilschild link=topic=2473.msg47929#msg47929 date=1228009436
I guess I get it, but I'm as shy as it gets, and I've never had any trouble asking someone I liked out. For the record, it's almost always gotten me a date/s.o., and never once ended poorly (i.e. those who said no remained my pals and I got over it).

I don't think it's any "easier" for girls to ask guys out either... or am I wrong?

Oh, I went back and edited a little more into it. Anyhow, you're right as far as I can tell; from what my wife and my exes have told me, I gather it's the same on your side.

The perception however, is that there are more desperate guys than desperate girls. Guys will say yes a helluva lot easier than girls will simply because of the peer pressure alone. There's probably a grain of truth in there somewhere. Also, after high school, it was somehow easier for me to just get out there and ask girls out. Darned if I remember what snapped to make me more gung-ho about it, but from 19 onward, I had no problems with it.

Boy do the rejections hurt, but the idea is to get over them as soon as possible.

Relations with The Gender of Your Preference

Aprilschild: It's the not being able to let go mentality. They fear that in the event of a rejection, they will have made complete fools of themselves and lose that net-of-hope
they've made for themselves. (Basically, they want to still be able to fantasize about
the day they go out, have a great time and make sweet love to their crush without having to KNOW it's not and will never be that way) The thought of never being able to communicate even indirectly anymore with the object of their desire holds them back from being able to actually ASK them if going out is even an option. It doesn't occur to them to just ask them out and accept whatever the outcome happens to be.

It's a self-destroying cycle of keeping their desires to themselves. They don't realize this is the exact reason they AREN'T getting any.