Huh, I have Makerscore now? What did I do? Who did I hug!? o-o


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Heh, it just surprised me. I hadn't uploaded anything, but then remembered I offered to help out a fellow member, so yay. :3
You're magical to me.
Congrats! :D Getting makerscore is fun!
If I had a makerscore for every hug I gave...
Guardian of the Description Thread
Apparently, you thank jormarcenter for your proofreading/grammar work that you did on [url=]]this game[/url]. Also, [quote author=kentona] makerscore is life [/quote]
[quote author=Marrend]Apparently, you thank jormarcenter for your proofreading/grammar work that you did on [url=]]this game[/url]. Also, [quote author=kentona] makerscore is life [/quote][/quote]I haven't done any work yet though. All of what's on there is his, so far, as I'm still waiting for the game from him so that I can go over it, and fix stuff for him. But, he ended up giving me makerscore from the position, so..that's nice. :x
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