Ara Fell
A 16-bit era, Japanese-style roleplaying game set in a magical world floating above the clouds.




Oh cool, its complete ^-^

Character Gameplay Showcase: Dais Kreutz

I enjoy using the powerful mage types ^^

Hello and stuff

hello ^-^

do you focus on any any specific kind of music or whatever

Screenshot Survival 20XX

its an adorable world map

its super bright


when you describe it like that I want to see the town at night as well XD

Slime Village and the Mysterious Stream of Water

I like the slimes ^_^

Ara Fell

Thanks, Addit~

I think I have leveled up from all the experience in AF... XD

Home interior tileset I've been working on

walls do have a nice texture. adding variety to wall shapes was a good idea.

try vertical flipping the wooden flooring - so the highlight is at the bottom edge of the boards, like it is for the stone flooring.