Guy from Moscow, good speaking english, have some skill at paint.net, dont know what to say else. lol.



Red Syndrome

Hi Neok :D

I really loved your Alter AILA games, even AAV demo in AAG and i was really sad that you cancelled AAV, and this game is really awesome! :D

Spent two hours, found all 3 endings, just logged in to say thank you :D

(btw, any chance you will tell me what you've planned for AAV ending please? ;-;)

Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis

Only if you believe in me!
Yeah, we do! 2 AA's was awesome, third gonna be too! :>
There is tech demo in the net of AA Variant (1 small level), i love 'Goind the long way' music from it. I have playlist like for 30 min's which contains only AA/AAG and AAV music, love listen it :3

You can thank Missileboater :)
Thanks! :D

i just 'optimized' my PC with WinUtilities, this shit killed almost whole Desktop directory! (or its called work table, dunno i have non-english windows. And sadly i had AAG there >_<)

Also, Neok, how is fandisc going ?

Alter A.I.L.A. Genesis

"Does this mean there'll be a sequel?"
I think yes. i sure for that like for 70%

Can anyone please upload savefile BEFORE avalon ?
sadly i lost mah save D:
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