Just a nameless weakling who's incredibly nub at everything
Title Source Info
DoubleX RMVXA Formulae Edit
Allows users to modify some hardcoded gameplay formulae
01/30/2014 03:25 AM
DoubleX RMVXA Bug Fixes to YSA Battle Add-On: Invert Targets
Tries to fix bugs I've found in YSA Battle Add-On: Invert Targets
01/30/2014 10:08 AM
DoubleX RMVXA Compatibility Fixes to YSA Battle Add-On: Invert Targets
Tries to fix compatibility issues I've found in YSA Battle Add-On: Invert Targets
02/05/2014 04:11 AM
DoubleX RMVXA Color Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB
Changes charge and atb bar color of specific skills or items and states
02/05/2014 11:53 AM
DoubleX RMVXA Autobattle Edit
Allows users to set autobattle actions triggered by variables for actors
02/06/2014 09:04 AM
DoubleX RMVXA Enemy AI
Allows users to set enemy actions triggered by game variables
02/09/2014 11:01 AM
DoubleX RMVXA SE Addon to YSA Battle System: Classical ATB
Plays se upon full atb bar for actors
02/13/2014 06:09 AM
DoubleX RMVXA Permanent States
Sets specific states to be always added back automatically upon revival
02/13/2014 08:12 AM
DoubleX RMVXA Counterattack Compatibility Fix
Fixes compatibility issues of DoubleX RMVXA Counterattack Edit
02/13/2014 09:25 AM
DoubleX RMVXA Tag Addon to Yami Engine Symphony - Battle Symphony
Allows users to add their own symphony tags for battler selections
03/07/2014 03:12 AM