

What are you thinking about right now?

I'm thinking about how evil a language Java is.

Kobra's Realm/Corner creator arrested for hacking

To be honest its hard to care when that site has barely been relevant...since like ever.

Java objects and javascript


that doesn't work either because if I try to call the method, I get an error saying that the method I'm trying to use in class f is

Never mind, I figured it out. I found some code that takes all the members in a class, and creates global Javascript functions.

Java objects and javascript

final - All data members have constant values.
static - All instances share the same member.

THANK YOU! I could never understand what the difference was.

Java objects and javascript

For those of you that know java, I'm somewhat new to it, but I know a pretty good amount of javascript. I'm trying to use javax.script to eventually create an applet reimplementation of Sphere. My problem is, I can't seem to create javascript objects out of the java objects. I believe I have to do something like
ScriptEngine engine = new Scriptengine();

to create a javascript object from a java object. Problem is, I can't seem to even reference the methods I need to create javascript versions of.
I'm doing something like

(main file)
package JavaSphere
import javax.Script.*;

public class JavaSphereMain {
public void main() { //I'm making a command prompt example until I get this figured out, that's why I'm using main() instead of init()
Functions f = new Functions();


public class Functions() {
private static void function_name() {
//do stuff

I guess my problem is I don't understand the public/private static/final/etc method usage

What are you thinking about right now?

author=Yellow Magic
It's awfully hard to read source code that lacks comments or indentation. (>-_-<)
I second this.

What about source code with indentation without comments?

What are you thinking about right now?

wait, RMN isn't a porn site?


Dear lord. That was embarrassing.

Now I am cheering on the Eskimos so that the Riders aren't the only 0-3 team!

Im' thinking about how amazing those gola gola dancers are.

What are you thinking about right now?

I am thinking about how much of a pain in the ass kusaba X (imageboard software) is to set up. Or at least some parts of it anyway.

What are you thinking about right now?

After playing Story of the blanks, I now want to make a psychological horror MLP game.

What are you thinking about right now?

What the hell is going on? Magi and Strangeluv were banned?? What happened?