

KindergarTen 1 - No Mercy

I am having trouble uninstalling the program from my laptop. Any tips? D:

KindergarTen 1 - No Mercy

It's working for me now, thank you! <3

KindergarTen 1 - No Mercy

It says I need rpgmaker 2003 Runtime Package. I can only find the newer RTP free downloads? ; _ ; Know anywhere where I can download it? Thanks!

KindergarTen 1 - No Mercy

I can't run the .exe file? The options in English come up with a lot of "????????".

Kago to Torii

(Hi Drax, hi Nuei! >w<9)
Seriously impressed, thanks for working so hard!

The Stoneville Mystery

I'm stuck ; v ;. I don't know where to get the last bit of coins to get the Dubloon to get the stale ale? I'd really, really like to finish this game! So help would be wonderful. Thank you.

(Also, I got the Blue Stones from the witch's house, the west side of the forest, shed, and scarecrow. But not at the cemetery where you found the gemstone? So help with that would be great too! Thank you.)

Mica: Apoptosis Demo Complete - Seeking Beta Testers!

; w ; I would love to~
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