

Yaaay! DBo Rm (The RPG Maker Styled Online Game) avaible in english :3

A word of advice friend; statuses aren't usually paid attention to much. If you want to bring attention to a game, you should probably post about it in the forums, though something as unknown as what you're posting probably wont get much attention at all. I'm not saying this to be mean, but to let you know how things are around here.

Hello there... I suppose

You came for mafia, but why not stay for gam mak? Also, welcome.

My introduction

Welcome. Constructive criticism is your friend, so treat it as such. ;)

Hi there. Welcome to the world of Okurete Sumimasen. ^_^

Please tell me that avatar is a Castlevania reference.


Welcome to Hell Kentona's Palace RMN.

Who would like to betatest an SMBX game for me? You'll receive cool points for your feedback! :D

You bothered to give feedback for mine, so I think its only fair I return the favor. drop me a link wherever.

Suddenly having so much time on my hands has paralyzed me. I don't know what I should work on next!

Brush up on Python so you can fix RMN and make it better without even trying in the future.

I'm back, guys. =A= bought a new (lame) pc and stuff. Unfortunately I don't have any proj. backups...

This is why you should always keep a few online backups in places that seem worthwhile (IE dropbox or copy)

Ending it here.

Eh? Why did you do 'dis? :O

Getting sick of the engine for one thing. The whole reason I even bothered with this in the first place was because I felt I owed it to myself to make something with SMBX, but in the end, it didnt feel very rewarding.




I should make a special video for RMN. What do you guys want in it?

RMN shirts. Make them yourself with love AND THE FIBRES OF ONE MILLION GAME DEVELOPERS' SKIN. On camera. I'd watch.

...Make that 75% more bacon and 25% more Caz.