

New to RMN, Old to RM2K

Its nice to see even members from eons ago are finding a place to come to do that RM thing they've been doing. Welcome to RMN, or something like that.

Emirpoen Tries Final Fantasy Discovery

Yeah, when I finished recording it, I listened to it, and was like "aw crap, should have lowered the game volume more", but it wouldn't really have been a let's try since There I wouldn't have been trying a good portion.

Also, it would seem that Movie studio wasn't being friendly for me on that one. I can fix the looping part of thevideo(still got source material), but it'll be a while before I can upload anything again since I had to go to a friends house and use his internet to upload that in a reasonable amount of time. Also, I did leave it where I did for a reason; so I can certainly do more. Finally, as long as you got the last minute of me talking, you got the important stuff I think. Ill make a follow up at some point when I can.

I am getting teeth bling

Kentona is going for gold, and nothing else, like an admin.

Pokemon: Odyssey [Is it a possibility?]

Start here ( http://pokemonessentials.wikia.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Essentials_Wiki] ) and go from there. Also, it may help if you talk more specifically what you'd like to do with the game/

(edited to make the link and the names more obvious)

Pokemon: Odyssey [Is it a possibility?]

From what I can tell, the big N doesn't go after fan games that are free (As far as I can tell, SMBX wasn't even touched by Nintendo), so there's nothing really stopping you from making one.


I think not foolish mortal.


This is the part where I welcome you to RMN and inform you that I hope you enjoy your stay.

The sum of my Kentonas is too much for you to comprehend.

Kentonas = Infinity +1

proof that you cant comprehend my current total.
What can I get for my Kentonass?

I think he might want that back.

you are nothing more than the sum total of your useful skills

You are nothing more than the sum of your Kentona's.

Oh my god, the house right across the road from mine is burning down

Ive had a house right next to where i used to live burn down and nearly started burning that place too.