2010 Misao Winners
Giving vacant sky a try. Rhyme intended.
If there were awards for different engines, then maybe there would be more diversity.
not much in all honesty.
2010 Misao Winners
Yes they should. Just like awards are given out for X-Box, Wii, PC, Playstation, DS and so on.
Engine means nothing. gameplay is what matters.
2010 Misao Winners
reign of terror over
Let's just pin all of RMN's problems on me. something good might come of it. Seriously, brand me a scapegoat or something.
reign of terror over
author=kentonaTake some time off, enjoy yourself a little, and come back when your mind is no longer fogged by stress.
just let me know what you want me to do staff-wise and I'll set it up
reign of terror over
author=kentonaQuit stealing my lines.
i am emotionally unstable. plus I just seem to make things worse.
My advice; give yourself a lil break.
reign of terror over
We can't solve our present problem with our present way of thinking, not that anyone is going to listen to me anyways. :/
reign of terror over
Geez, at the rate staff is being shuffled here, I may actually have a chance at a position... oh hell, who am I kidding?
PS3 Hacked Wide Open - Watch PS3 Software sales collapse in 2011
Iish is back at it again.
Heavy, heavy emphasis on exaggerated, but given who posted the OP, its to be expected.
author=KingArthurWatch PS3 Software sales collapse in 2011This, like any other overly exaggerated piece of news, will turn out to be nothing noteworthy and be forgotten to history in about a month's time.
Heavy, heavy emphasis on exaggerated, but given who posted the OP, its to be expected.