Fata Morgana
Fata Morgana is an action adventure crossed with exploration gameplay created with the RPG Maker 2003 engine.




Oh come on, they're, like, two totally different people.

They're completely different identical Twix bars, you mean? :V
I kid, I kid. The left Brian has more chocolate.


That's what I call one fancy-as-heck save menu! Also, I really prefer knowing WHERE I last saved over which party constellation I have right now, so this is pretty dang useful - especially when the cast is this, well, limited :V


I like the vibrant portrait.
Your HUD is simple yet styled, pretty and easily readable too.
Keep it up ;)

Why, thank you! Thanks a lot for the kind words. :3c
There's actually plans for a blog post on the art and design of Fata Morgana coming up soon-ish, so keep an eye out for that.


Okay, just a tiny update to say that the intro screen has now been replaced with the current, improved version - more bolded title text and changed hues (to match the background).

Also, it took me, like, ten attempts to get the walk cycle captured right :U


@TrueMG: Those are actually really heavy edits after we found out those larger, single crystals were basically imported Secret of Mana tiles. So I decided to rough them up a bit and change some bits around so they fit the REFMAP style better. :3

That crystal blob, however, is completely custom. Ain't he cute? :V


Was a honor to draw this title (and more) for this awesome game :)

Indeed! This and the images for the prologue have turned out really great, thanks again for that! :D


The text would look a little bigger if it was bolder, I think, but I like the composition overall.

Thanks for the feedback! I'll see what I can do with the text, you've actually brought up a very good point there.

This intro sequence, by the way, will be animated in-game, we'll add the actual title screen as soon as the title text is fixed.

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