I left that silver Volvo on the side of the Road. I left it for somebody. Because surely there's somebody who needs it more than me.


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You should do more of these 'status' man. ;]
I will say that line is modified from the song 'Sunken Treasure'. But it is true.
(Socrates would certainly not contadict me!)
That's a gift, and it's not even Christmas yet!
That Volvo deserved to be driven. I used to have a grand collection of Volvo 240s (well, three anyway). Over the years they all died, and finally I left the last lonely survivor for someone who would want it more than I did.
(Socrates would certainly not contadict me!)
You are a wild one :)
That's not an uncommon thing to do in rural Alaska. Most towns have at least one location where unwanted vehicles are left, and it's common knowledge that after a couple years they are free for whoever wants them. A lot of towns aren't on the highway system either, so things like registration and insurance aren't necessary.
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