I'm pretty lame.
I rage quit more often then I'd like to admit.
I am very passionate about the games I play.
I've fallen in love with far too many fictional characters.
With that being said, Alistair from Dragon Age is everything I want and more in a guy.
I'm slightly (>more then slightly<) addicted to Horror RPGs.
The Legend of Zelda is my air.
I throw myself full swing when it comes to my fandoms. They're like my babies.
I like musicals and cheesy 80's movies.
I listen to musicians that have long gone or are on their way.
Jim Morrison is my hero.
I like the rain and thunderstorms.
I'm a big Shakespeare fan.
The Great Gatsby = love.
Um. Yeah. I suck at these.



Clock of Atonement

When I try to play it it reads "RPG????2000????" or something along those lines. I'm usually pretty good with downloading these, but sometimes I get tripped up. Any help?


Oh my goodness, this sounds so so so sooo good! Is it finished?
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