

Grandma's House

Looks cool!

The Story Generator

Looks interesting...


Hm...looks interesting, i'm not with time to play it but for sure i'm going to download this game

Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~

It looks nice, i'm downloading already xD

Edit : I've finished the game, ended up with Riho, really enjoyed the game and for sure i'm gonna play it one more time :D

Happy Birthday

This was a really awesome history, i enjoyed a lot, please continue making rpgs like this one

Fullmetal Alchemist: Bluebird's Illusion Remake

I really like the FMA manga and anime, this game might be interesting but the problem is that there's no download link =/

Seven Mysteries

This looks pretty cool, i'm downloading xD

Alvorada do Mal

Bem interessante, nunca imaginei que ia ter um jogo brasileiro desse tipo, até porque n tem mt brasileiro procurando esses tipos de jogos né. Começou bem engraçado kk, mas pelo titulo do jogo parece que as coisas vão ficar sérias...

Edit: Músicas bem interessantes vc colocou :D
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