Take revenge on the king for treating you unfairly! I mean, he started it!




Haha, to be honest the whole thing about having a coherent soundtrack didn't even occur to me while I was making the game, so it's definitely something I'll take with me from your review. Among other things, of course.

Hmm, now I understand what you mean a little better... None of the exchanges with the narrator is particularly pleasant, but one could still find the progression to be unnatural. In a way, I think it'd be fine even if the player was the only one to give a motive (according to their own whims), but that is probably not something a responsible game creator should say. x)

I really appreciate your thoughtful input, and I had fun too. ^^

And I totally agree with that last part. ;)


Thanks for the review, I appreciate you taking the time to write one. :)

May I share my thoughts on it?

I agree with most of what you wrote, including on the humor and mapping (although the cloud map was empty and big because it was, well, the sky).

The logic in the game isn't 100% flawless, which bothered me a little as well. I let it go since I figured it's not the worst offence one can make in a comedy game, although it certainly is on the list.

(...) you may wonder how demons, humans and angels can freely live together when they hate each other and have vastly different behaviour. Among demons it is normal and completely okay for a demon to lash out violently for any mistake anyone does - and they have the power to pull it off, too. So how come they are allowed to be under humans? How come almost noone is really scared of them? In fact, so bold as to try to shove them around and to let them out of their cell if they just so much as ask.

Good questions. I actually made it so that the humans were not very scared for two main reasons; one being that their race's main trait was supposed to be arrogance, and the second one being that they didn't know the mc already had a reason to be angry. Still, it's a fair point you're making here with those rhetorical (?) questions. The presentation wasn't as good as it could've been.

I also see what you mean with the music, but I'm not sure I agree with your insinuation that a good soundtrack needs to be pronouncedly cohesive. I'm not sure what music I could've used in the mini-mart, for example, that would've gone well together with the castle's main background music. Well, maybe the nightcore tracks was pushing it a bit on my part. I liked every song I picked, though, so I can't say I regret it. :) #rebel

As for the meta-narration, I must actually disagree with your statement that "The meta-narration comes into play in only one optional scene, so the ending it involves can come out of nowhere and lose much of the impact it could have.". The fourth wall is broken in a number of different scenarios, including in the cathedral if one's name has changed to "Coward" beforehand, on the beach route, if one says the right things to the witch, if one then proceeds into the right side of the castle and perhaps in a couple of more places. However, I do agree that there must be a loss of impact in the true ending if one manages to both not be renamed in the begining (which is a mandatory 50-50 chance) and not take the beach route (which also is a mandatory 50-50 chance), and manages to avoid the right side of the castle, of course. It's unlikely, but still entirely possible, I admit. Nevermind, we cleared that up. :)

I think your review is largely fair, although I think it does includes a couple of things that can be debated. I understand your reasoning behind the score, though, and I'm perfectly happy with it. :) I'd also say it's a pretty decent one to get, considering I didn't even know how to make an event when I started this project. I'm glad I could create something passably enjoyable.


Thanks, I was mostly fooling around when I did this game, which is probably pretty noticable. :P

And seeing SMT music in it.. sold.

I can't believe somebody recognized that song. :D That makes me really happy.

And OMG, that was not intentional at all! Wow. I'm sorry, and thank you for bringing that to my attention. I'm going to upload a fixed version right away. orz


Hey, I'm glad you like it. :) I had tons of fun watching your video, lol. Looking forward to the next one.

So much spell checking and you still found a typo, damn it. x)

The song is "God is a Girl" by Cascada (it's a nightcore version, though).

Btw, the whole spaghetti thing is a reference to The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I just feel like I had to say that so you don't think I'm completely crazy.

Oh, and there actually is way to ask Exsva out in the game, but I made it pretty difficult to find it. Just wanted to let you know that the guide has a section for it, I mean since you ship it an all. ;)

Animal Main Characters

This may be a stupid question, but have you played Pom Gets Wi-Fi? It's a really fun game about dogs. :)


rats, I really wanted to play this but that site looks like they want you to download a bunch of other things and I hate downloading extras that mess up my computer :(

Would it be possible to set up a download on this site ????

I would if I knew how to do it, but I'm new to this site and I'm a little lost...

I can see how the site I linked to may seem confusing to some, but all you have to do is to click on this download button:

And then this button:

You won't have to download anything extra, register, pay, etc., so don't worry. Hope this helps. :)

Edit: Nevermind, I just figured out how to set up a download on this site. At first I thought I would somehow have to use my locker (which is too small), but luckily that wasn't the case. :)


somehow this is really creepy :O

Hehe, I had so much fun making this picture. I tried to mix in as many things associated with God as possible and I ended up making his sprite look like the usual old man with a white beard, his battler a mix of Morgan Freeman (who played God in Bruce Almighty) and The Flying Spaghetti Monster and, to top it all off, I chose "God is a Girl" by Cascada as the battle music. :)

But I get what you mean. He looks, uh... special, right?
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